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The Shop....Yeahhhhh! Now hireing look at shop for details


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[spoiler=works on]

Bosters,tins,and banners



[spoiler=Boster Packs]

Boster Packs-3 points




Yu gi oh tins-2 points ex.tinex.jpg

Custom tins-4 points ex.customtinex.jpg

[spoiler=Splices]Comeing soon


[spoiler=NoN-generaor banners]

bannners range from 2-8 points depending on the coplexity ex.samlebanner.jpg

[spoiler=card effects(hollows recolors ect.)]

Holo:2 points ex:holo.jpg



If anyone wants a booster tin or banner you must give me specific details(picture,text,ect...)


if u wan a job i have 2 spots opened for splicers,2 spots opened for bosters ins and banners,and 1 spot opened for card effects

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Attachments just make more work for people who want to see your items.

i wish i ddnt have to use attachments but i don know how to get my images off gimp wihout attachmens if someone tlls me how i would

OK. Custom Tin With Elemental Hero Flame Wingman On It. If possible' date=' add text saying "Wingman Infinity". Oh, and a banner with Elemental Hero Flame Wingman on it. Can the text be "Elemental Hero CamosityDude". I'll pay for the banner when you tell me the price.



the banner is only 2 points but tips are appreciated.



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Attachments just make more work for people who want to see your items.

i wish i ddnt have to use attachments but i don know how to get my images off gimp wihout attachmens if someone tlls me how i would

OK. Custom Tin With Elemental Hero Flame Wingman On It. If possible' date=' add text saying "Wingman Infinity". Oh, and a banner with Elemental Hero Flame Wingman on it. Can the text be "Elemental Hero CamosityDude". I'll pay for the banner when you tell me the price.



the banner is only 2 points but tips are appreciated.


Use p><p>Here

http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/attachment.php?aid=47039' alt='attachment.php?aid=47039'>

[img=http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/attachment.php?aid=47039] (that's how it works)

and can I work here? I could do recolours, sigs and avatars.

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Are you hiring new workers?

I want to work here


I can create Quality Boosters, Card Sets and Fields




Cost:2-4 points


Booster Name


Version: YGO,GX,5D's



Card Sets


Cost:3-7 points depending on the pictures and items


Tin: Must be included


Card Examples: Must be 3 or more



Custom Fields


Cost: 3 points



Version: YGO, GX, 5D's

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