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Spell and Traps:









Monster Effects:


Lava Swimmer's Effect: If you control a Field Spell card that has "Lava" in its name, this card cannot be effected by attacks, effects of Monster Effects, Spell and Trap cards. If one of your opponent's monsters is destroyed during a Battle Phase, as long as this card is faced up on your side of the field, add this card's ATK and DEF to the outcome of the Damage Calculation.


Aldian's Effect: When you declare an attack with this card and it successfully destroys one of your opponent's monstesr, select another card your opponent controls and if it's monster card, that monster's ATK is reduced by 500, but if the selected card is a Spell or Trap card, deal 800 damage to your opponent.


Vacent's Effect: This card's other two types are treated as Fairy and Winged Beast. Whenever theres a Chain Link 4 or more is proceeding, you may add this effect to one of your Spell or Trap cards if you are countering a Spell or Trap card within a Chain Link: This Chain Link is resolved and the Spell and Trap cards that were in the previous Chain Links are removed from the graveyard and the duel. If your opponent counters Chain Link 4, destroy this card and remove it from play.


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