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Banner pl0x


Render Link: http://www.kawaiidream.net/data/media/199/Shin-Akuma.jpg

Background Colours: Red, Deep Purple, Black

Background Extras Matching Flames

Text & Colour: (whatever colour is readable over the image/looks good) Akira

Sub Text: (ditto for colour) Demon Within

Matching Avatar?: No ty


Would you mind giving me a PM when done or I'll most likely forget about it.

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can you do a double render?

renders: http://bp2.blogger.com/_wgr0RQBVbHc/SI9lKIaBNGI/AAAAAAAAAJI/3-zElK_s4Jo/s1600-h/Fred.jpg


Text:Fred Fredburger Appreciation Club

Subtext: click here for some nachoz!

otherwise just make it look good.


also, I have a special request. I'm collecting sigs for my banner, and I tried doing my own animation of it in flash, but when I turn it to gif the rez drops. so can I pay you to add more sigs to my animated sig

and also, I want to slow it down yet again, maybe 20 seconds per sig. (if you still have the file)

and my newest order is a club banner so it shouldn't go in the animated sig



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