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|Closed. Please look at my new shop. ^^|


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[align=center]Hallo and welcome to my shop. Yay!


Me and my (not yet hired. =/) workers do a wide variety of items, feel free to click the spoiler below and find something you like!


[spoiler=Items that must be purchased.][spoiler=Banners][spoiler=Form]Render Link:

Background Colours:

Background Extras (Dripping blood, bubbles, feathers, etc.):

Text & Colour:

Sub Text:

Matching Avatar?:




[spoiler=Workers able to do this]Snitch


[spoiler=Prices]Set Price - 3

This may be raised or lowered depending on the easiness or hardness of the banner created. Each worker has his or own right to make a reasonable price. If you believe that the price you have been given is unreasonable, PM Snitch and he will sort it out.



[spoiler=Pokemon Spriting][spoiler=Lineless Sprites][spoiler=Form]Pokemon to turn Lineless:

Any Extras?:



[spoiler=Prices]Since I enjoy doing these, 1-2 each.



[spoiler=Splices/Fusions][spoiler=Form]Pokemon to be spliced (3 max):

Specific Details wanted:

Any Extras?:



[spoiler=Prices]Roughly 2-3 each, depending on difficulty.



[spoiler=Recolours & Colour Swaps][spoiler=Form]Palettes

Palette Number (1-4):


Any Extras?:


Colour Swaps/Colour Squares (3x3 squares of colour swaps)

Pokemon to Colour Swap (2-3 (3 for colour squares)):

Any Extras?



Names, from left to right

1. Passion Party

2. White Bread

3. Brown Bread

4. Sacred Fire


[spoiler=Prices]Palettes - 2 each

Colour Swaps - 1 each





[spoiler=YCM Stuff][spoiler=Holo-ing (2 for normal, 4 for advanced)][spoiler=Normal Holo (all over pic)][spoiler=Examples]None yet!

[spoiler=Form]Card to be Holoed:

Gold Sticker?:


[spoiler=Advanced Holo (Background only!)][spoiler=Examples]187946rb3.jpg

[spoiler=Form]Card to be A-holoed:

Gold Sticker?:








Our range may be slightly limited at the moment, but more will be coming soon and whenever me or my workers learn to make 'em!


All references to currency (i.e. "Prices - 1-2 each) is referring to points and not any other type of currency. Please keep this in mind.


All Splices Free Until 2009! =O



ShinyBlade has been kicked from my workers - Inactivity

I now do Normal Holo's (all pic) and Advanced Holo's (pic bg).

MasterKCatmaster is my most-requesting customer, and therefore can have 1 thing free from my stock!

Added a News Section! xD[/align]

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Render Link:http://narguslab.com/press/wp-content/gallery/gallery_featured/feathers-velociraptor.jpg(copy into your tool bar)

Background Colours:(is it ok if i have this Pic as the background?)raptor.jpg

Background Extras:Leaves but not of the eye or scratch please

Text & Colour:Dont be fooled because we have feathers.....And couler Cyan please

Sub Text:We have speed

Matching Avatar?:Yes please

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Velociraptor' date=' I cannot do your banner request. The render isn't a render - it is a stock. A render has a one-colour background, with no shades whatsoever.


Catman, your request is coming up now.



Oh ok.I no what a rendre is but i didnt no it needed that.Ill find another Render ok.

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I'd love to work here:


I can make: Avis, splices, electro recolours.












[spoiler=Electro info]

Electros, simply, made a lightning around them like with Rotom. You can order it with Rotoms colors (like my example), or with different or original colors.








Special Notes?:




Pokemons: (max. 3)

Body parts*:

Special Notes?:



[spoiler=Electro Recolours]


Color (Rotom's or your choise):

Special Notes?:





Forms marked with * are not nececcary.

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snitch I have a question. I want to order a banner but I don't want it to be quite as wide I want it to be the same dimensions as my current sig so that I can make an alternating sig.


I can do that. :3


GD' date=' you can work here.


Velo, your banner is coming up.


Catman, your Poliwag is finished. [img']http://i420.photobucket.com/albums/pp283/MasterSword395/Poliwag.png[/img]

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OK then

Render Link: http://i486.photobucket.com/albums/rr228/JoviSiagian/RenderedMasterKCatmaster-2.png

Background Colours:red and gray

Background Extras (Dripping blood, bubbles, feathers, etc.): blood!

Text & Colour: (top left corner) disturbing (below that in yellow) w00t (neither of those words should be too large)

Sub Text: none

Matching Avatar?: no thanks


remember to make it the same size as my other sig (I'm collecting them for an animated banner)

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