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Monsters: [spoiler=]152558ss8.jpg152558qz4.jpg





Monster Effects:

[spoiler=]Psuedoraptor's Effect: When this card is first summoned, each turn you may switch this card's position, if your opponent declares an attack on this card, replace this card with one of your faced down Spell or Trap cards and that card is destroyed instead, put this card faced up on the Spell/Trap Zone space that was occupied by the destroyed Spell or Trap card and treat this card as an Continuous Spell Card with it's first effect activated but it effects all monsters you control on the field.


Badass Pikachu's Effect: "Pikachu" + "Nix"

This card can only be Fusion Summoned with the above Fusion Material cards. In order to Fusion Summon this card, you must send the above listed cards to your deck (you do not use polymerization.)

When you declare an attack with this card, remove all Spell and Trap cards you control from the duel and you may destroy every card your opponent has on his or her side of the field. (Don't apply Damage Calculation.)


Judgment Archangel's Effect: This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card can only Special Summoned by paying 600 life points per card you have in your graveyard. Once per turn, as long as this card is faced up on your side of the field, if your opponent draws a card, you may look at that card and decide for your opponent to keep the card, or to remove the card from the duel. During your opponent's Battle Phase, pay 500 life points to decide which target your opponent's monster's attack or effect would target, this also goes with his or her's Spell and Trap Cards. When this card is destroyed or removed from play, return all monsters on the field to thier owner's deck, both player's shuffle thier respective decks and neither play conducts their Battle Phase afterwards.


Obovvoroth's Effect: This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card can only be Tribute Summoned by offering as a tribute a LIGHT monster whose ATK is 1500 or less. If this card is declared an attack on during your opponent's Battle Phase, your opponent must pay 1000 life points per monster he or she controls, if they don't, you gain 1000 life points times the number of monsters your opponent controls on his or her side of the field, then negate the attack that targeted this card.



Spell and Traps:




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