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2 very simple changes to the Card Maker


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Hi there. I'd like to propose a couple of minor changes to the card maker that, I think, would be welcome by everyone who wants their cards as realistic as possible:


1) Many people have, at one point, tried to make a Tuner, Gemini or Union monster, or even come up with a subtype of their own, and then have to manually remove the "/ Effect" from the card with Photoshop, Paint or whatever. I propose a little tweak is made to the script so that, when we tick the Effect box in the card maker, it only affects the frame color, but not automatically add "/ Effect" to the card. It's no big deal typing that out ourselves and it's a big help for realistic Effect Tuners, Gemini, Union, Spirit and made-up subtypes.


2) Change the card text alignment from "Aligned Left" to "Justified", like the real cards have.


There, details really, but I think both, especially the first one, would be welcome changes. :)

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