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My Modified dragon deck


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Hey guys, I'm back from the bowels of that evil monster called Real Life. I have a new deck that I'd like to get some help with.


Extra Deck

Red Dragon Archfiend

King Dragun



Masked Dragon x3

Divine Dragon Ragnarok x2

Armed Dragon LV3 x2

Armed Dragon LV5 x2

Armed Dragon LV7 x2

Armed Dragon LV10

Tyrant Dragon

Decoy Dragon

Darkblaze Dragon

Lord of D.

Dragonic Knight

Felgrand Dragon

Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord


Spell cards-15

Mausoleum of the Emperor


A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon

Heavy Storm

Dragon's Mirror

Super Rejuvenation


Stamping Destruction x3

The Flute of Summoning Dragon


Swords of Revealing Light

Fusion Sage

Monster Reborn


Trap Cards-10

Destruction Jammer

Seven Tools of the Bandit


Dragon's Rage

Burst Breath

Magic Jammer


The Dragon's Bead

Interdimensional Matter Transporter

Trap Jammer


I know it's a 45 card deck so any help in improving it will be greatly appreciated. (By the way, this hasn't been tested yet.)

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Extra Deck: 15


1x Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon

2x Five-Headed Dragon

3x Stardust Dragon

3x Goyo Guardian

2x Black Rose Dragon

1x Red Dragon Archfiend

1x Ojama Knight

1x Darkfire Dragon

1x Fusionist


Monsters: 19


3x Blue-Eyes White Dragon

3x Tyrant Dragon

2x Prime Material Dragon

1x Cyber Dragon

3x Masked Dragon

2x Magna Drago

2x Dark Resonator

1x Breaker the Magical Warrior

1x Sangan

1x Neo-Spacian Grand Mole


Spells: 14


3x Trade-In

2x Instant Fusion

2x Dragon's Mirror

1x Future Fusion

1x Heavy Storm

1x Giant Trunade

1x Monster Reborn

1x Brain Control

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Fissure


Traps: 7


1x Torrential Tribute

3x Bottomless Trap Hole

3x Threatening Roar


This is the Deck I was talking about.


Except for some of the Synchro's, most cards in here should be pretty easy to get.


You can run Enemy Controllers over the Threatening Roars or Bottomless Trap Holes.


You can even run Compulsory Evacuation Device as it is a cost free way of getting rid of an opposing Stardust Dragon and any other Synchro except for Thought Ruler Archfiend which can get dealt with by Fissure or Lightning Vortex since those cards dont target any specific monster.


Recently I decided to run Psychic Commander over Dark Resonator since it seems more useful against stronger stuff than Resonator. It is also searchable by Sangan which is always good.


Dragons are a decent Deck strategy that I have been trying to get right for years. The release of Synchros helped the cause tremendously.

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Try getting them. Most of the cards in here are from Starter or Structure Decks. Stardust Dragon and Black Rose Dragon are from tins.


The lack of Five-Headed Dragon is the biggest problem of all in your Deck. The Armed Dragons you're running at the moment arent exactly the most reliable forms of getting around bigger monsters. Five-Headed Dragon can run over almost anything that gets in its way or poses a threat to you winning. Dragon's Mirror can be used to summon it and Future Fusion can be used to significantly speed up the summoning process.


Another problem with your Deck is speed. It lacks it. Since you have a rather low number of Level 8 monsters, the possibility of Trade-In in this Deck is unavailable. 3 targets isnt enough for it to be effectively used. 1 draw card in here doesnt help either.


If you wanna run the Armed Dragon thing, I would suggest dropping Armed Dragon LV10. It can generate a dead draw if it ends up in your hand at the wrong time with no efficient way of dumping it. Another thing you can do is eliminate Felgrand Dragon. It is horrible and much better options exist. I see no problem with Van'Dalgyon in here. Try getting 2 more. Same with Tyrant Dragon. Try getting 2 more. That gives you 6 Trade-In targets so now you can run Trade-In.


Instant Fusion is not only tribute Fodder generator but it makes Synchro Summoning a lot easier.


Your Trap line-up is horrible.


-all Traps


+1 Torrential Tribute (better than Mirror Force in this Format)


+3 Compulsory Evacuation Device / Bottomless Trap Hole / Phoenix Wing Wind Blast / Raigeki Break / Solemn Judgment / Dark Bribe / Threatening Roar / Magic Drain / Divine Wrath (ideal since you have Van'Dalgyon) (Pick 1 set of these)


+3 Compulsory Evacuation Device / Bottomless Trap Hole / Phoenix Wing Wind Blast / Raigeki Break / Solemn Judgment / Dark Bribe / Threatening Roar / Magic Drain / Divine Wrath (ideal since you have Van'Dalgyon) (Pick 1 set of these)


Your Spell line-up needs work


-all Spells

+3 Trade-In (the Deck needs speed)

+2 Foolish Burial / Instant Fusion (pick one and run it at 2)

+1 Future Fusion (all your allowed to have)

+2 Dragon's Mirror (already stated why)

+1 Monster Reborn (required in any non-Macro or non-Oppression Deck)

+1 Heavy Storm (highly recommended for this type of Deck)

+1 Giant Trunade (recommended in here)

+1 Lightning Vortex (I see no reason why you shouldn't. Its good mass monster removal)

+1 Brain Control (why not use your opponent's monsters as Synchro material or Tribute Fodder)


Your monster line-up definately needs work:


-all except Armed Dragon LV 3, Armed Dragon LV 5 and Armed Dragon LV 7, Tyrant Dragon , Van'Dalgyon


+3 Masked Dragon (should always be at 3 in this type of Deck)

+2 Tyrant Dragon (for reasons already stated)

+2 Van'Dalgyon / Dark Horus / Blue-Eyes

+1 Sangan (searches valuable cards)

+1 Breaker (destroy a Spell or Trap and either run over a weaker monster or attack for 1/5 Life Points)

+1 Snipe Hunter / Grand Mole (Snipe Hunter adds Dragons to your Graveyard and can destroy almost anything uncountered (even Stardust Dragon). Grand Mole's effect is cost free and gets rid of Fusions and Synchros quite effectively)

+2 Any Level 3 Tuner (doesnt really matter if your gonna end up Synchroing them)


Extra Deck:


-1 King Dragun (Fusion Materials are terrible and other cards outclass it)

+3 Five-Headed Dragon (reasons already stated)

+3 Stardust Dragon (if you can get them)

+3 Goyo Guardian (if you can get them)

+2 Black Rose Dragon (3 is too much. 2 should be fine if you can get them)

+1 Level 5 Fusion that can be Fusion Summoned (reasons already stated)

+1 Darkfire Dragon (Five-Headed Dragon Fusion Material)

+1 Level 3 Fusion that can be Fusion Summoned (reasons already stated)


This is sorta like what your Deck should end up like:


Extra Deck: how ever many you can have there


3x Five-Headed Dragon

1x Red Dragon Archfiend

1x Ojama Knight (preferred Level 5 Fusion)

1x Darkfire Dragon

1x Fusionist / Flame Ghost (either one is fine)

8x Any other Synchros


Monsters: 20


2x Armed Dragon LV 7

2x Armed Dragon LV 5

2x Armed Dragon LV 3

3x Tyrant Dragon

3x Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord or any of the other mentioned Level 8 Dragons)

3x Masked Dragon

2x any Level 3 Tuner (preferrable one searchable by Sangan)

1x Breaker the Magical Warrior

1x Sangan

1x Snipe Hunter / Neo-Spacian Grand Mole


Spells: 13


3x Trade-In

2x Foolish Burial (alternative to Instant Fusion) / Instant Fusion

2x Dragon's Mirror

1x Future Fusion

1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy Storm

1x Giant Trunade

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Brain Control


Traps: 7


1x Torrential Tribute

3x preferrably Solemn Judgment, Dark Bribe or Divine Wrath

3x preferrably Threatening Roar


This is as best as I can get it. Foolish Burial is the closest thing to Elemental Hero Prisma that can be used in this type of Deck so if Instant Fusion is unavailable, use Foolish Burial.

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