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Unknown Contamination (DMU Deck)

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Cards Marked with an asterisk * are cards I am considering taking out, or put in there just to test. If they have a question mark then I am not sure/hasn't been tested enough.


Note sure about Cosmic because every time I've used him he has greatly helped.


Monsters: 20

[1]Cosmic Horror Gangi'el *?

[2]Alien Mother

[2]Alien Revenger

[1]Cyber Dragon

[3]Alien Gray

[3]Alien Warrior


[2]Alien Telepath

[1]Alien Hypno *

[1]Alien Mars *

[1]Jutte Fighter


Spells: 11

[2]"A" Cell Breeding Device

[2]"A" Cell Scatter Burst

[2]Mind Control *?

[1]Brain Control

[1]Monster Reborn

[1]Mystical Space Typhoon

[1]Smashing Ground

[1]Swords of Revealing Light


Traps: 9

[2]Dark Bribe

[2]Offering to the Snake Deity

[2]Planetary Contamination Virus

[2]Snake Whistle *?

[1]Mirror Force


(Extra Deck): 15

[3]Cosmos Fortress Gol'Gar

[2]Natural Beast

[2]Stardust Dragon

[1]Ally of Justice Catastor

[1]Arms Aid

[1]Black Rose Dragon

[1]Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary

[1]Colossal Fighter

[1]Dark-End Dragon

[1]Thought Ruler Archfiend

[1]Gladiator Beast Gyzarus (just random)

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