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Card Makers Academy (Closed)


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[align=center]I don't see many if any on going threads on this forum. So I thought maybe it would be nice to start 1. But first I have a question to ask:


~Is there another forum that has this idea in it?


What idea you ask? Well read on further;


The idea I have is that there will be a Group put together. The group will be of those people willing, and able to make cards of quality not quantity, and collectively not individually.


It will start off with 1 person being the "Card Creator"~he/she will be the person who posts up a card with only a picture on it, and make the adjustments etc. The group will then choose if they think the picture is suitable or not. The "Card Creator" at that time can choose to forfeit/pass the responsibility on to another member. After the "Card Creator", and appropriate picture have been decided, the group will then come up with the:


~Name of the Card

~Card type [Monster, Spell or Trap] and all other details for that type. [What type of Monster it would be if it was a Monster Card, and so on].

~and any thing else that will need working on.[rarity, the set number if the cards are going to be made into sets


Then once the card is "Finalized" and all Group Members are satisfied, and agree. The Card will be posted into another thread to be showcased, and credited. Then the new "Card Creator" for the next Card will be chosen. And the process then repeats from the beginning.


This is quality before quantity so obviously the process will be slow, so obvious patience will be required for all those who are interested. A certain level of card making skill, and a fair understanding of card terminology grammar/punctuation etc will be needed. That will mean there will be a member qualifying stage for those who want to enter.





~Creativity [cool card ideas]

~eye for detail, and picture choosing skills[frequently chooses suitable pictures for cards]

~basic art skills [achieving a good quality card which means editing, cropping etc]

~Grammar/punctuation [goes without saying]


If some one is really bad in 1 area it does not count you out from being a member. e.g. Someone with real good creativity, good team work, and has basic art skills but lacks in the spelling department will still be considered because others will help work on that area. On the other hand, some one who consistently makes bad spelling mistakes, poor picture quality, and can not make a decent card will probably not fit the criteria for this Group.


So is there another forum with this idea?

If not then consider my idea.


Another thing I've only been on here 3 days, and I do not know everyone as some of you will. Those who have been on this forum longer than I will be more familiar with the people who definitely have the required skill level. So in saying that if you feel there is someone who should be in this group, and that wants to join just let me know to save them having to prove themselves. I will just take that persons word for it.


Well thats all for now. Just waiting to hear back from everyone else with feedback/ideas, and questions.





Club Directors:

God Kaze (Moderator) - Legendary Card Maker.

StevenBray - Entance Exam


Senior Members:

SushiTheLegend - Graphics

Soul Immortal

bhim (Moderator)

KoLoBoS - Image Archives

Star*Trainer (Moderator) - Videos.

tehodis - Graphics

mare - Teacher



Diety Mitsu



Normal Members:








Big Boy









02Jaden * Card Picture


White Rose


Chaos Remix


The (New) Card Maker Academy Headquarters: This thread acts as our gathering point for members where we discuss club business. Here, you can see a full list of members, and your name too could be up there with them.


Card Maker Academy - The 2nd Headquarters: This is our Headquarters in the "General" topic. If you want to join the CMA, post a request here and Stevenbray will pm you a small entrance exam so we can see how good you are.


The Card Creation Thread: Here we work together to create a different card each week. Cards created here represent our teamwork and are shown in our Gallery.


Custom Card Review: Have a card yout think needs some work? Have a contest entry you want to win? This thread is open to CMA members where we review and help strengthen each other's cards.


CMA Public Card Review: If you are not a member of CMA and still want some help with your cards from the Academy, post them in this thread where a member will help you as soon as possible.


The Gallery: Though we only have a few cards currently, we are looking for new members to speed up the process so we can produce quality cards as often as possible.


Octavius Card Maker Academy: Another division of the Card Maker Academy, this thread is the CMA thread closest to being an actual "academy". Here, mare and the teachers designated by him will help you increase you card making skills in an online teaching environment.


Card Maker Colosseum: Here you are able to put your card designing skills to the test as you compete against others in an on going card contest, even if you're not a member!


Side Challenge Colosseum Dome: While waiting for a match in the Colosseum, you can use this thread to challenge others who are waiting.


Banner Workshop: Once a member, you can get your official Card Maker Academy banner here.


YCM Card of the Week: Even though this thread does not have a direct connection to the Academy (other than myself), it is a still a division of the Academy as it is where the idea was concieved.[/align]

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Ok, so we have a new thread. Well, I made a sample video for the card makers academy, so here it is.



now this is only a sample. I will make a better one, once i get comments on this one. Plus, if any members want to send me cards to add to the video they can.

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Could you please organize the list of names. Seperating it into the 3 groups: Club Directors, Senior Members, Normal Members. Rather than having everyon's names clomped together. Also, Star*Trainer can be a Senior Member(along with his own "Videos" title beside it, or which ever title he prefers).


Ok, so we have a new thread. Well, I made a sample video for the card makers academy, so here it is.


Card Makers Academy


now this is only a sample. I will make a better one, once i get comments on this one. Plus, if any members want to send me cards to add to the video they can.

I have to say, I loved the video(Even if it was just a sample for now). I especially like how the music spiked when the Colosseum appeared on the screen. I can't think of a more appropriate first post for our new Headquarters.

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Yup, but you could also underline "Club Directors" and the other 2 titles. Also, I just finished updating my archive with the new links. I will be adding Star*Trainer's video when it's finished.


EDIT: Star, you'll have to ask each individual member who has one (Sushi, Elsandero, and Tehodis).

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A Great Person Toget them maid by is http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/showthread.php?tid=9069 THE BEST BANNERS EVER!

With Sushi supposably gone, I think we should get someone to make the new banners. I'll post a message in his shop.


EDIT: Deity, if you want to be more important, you have to be running an Academy thread. If Sushi doesn't come back after we've created our next card in teh academy, you can make a new Gallery. OR come up with a new idea for an academy thread(Make sure to run it by me and the Academy first, lol)

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Could you please add "Graphic Design" next to my name Derek. Thanks.


I wish I could be more than I normal member too. :/ Anything else needing to be made?

Well with Sushi supposably being gone, we could use a new banner workshop. If Sushi doesn't come back within a few days, you think you'd be up for the task?

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Could you please add "Graphic Design" next to my name Derek. Thanks.


I wish I could be more than I normal member too. :/ Anything else needing to be made?

Well with Sushi supposably being gone' date=' we could use a new banner workshop. If Sushi doesn't come back within a few days, you think you'd be up for the task?



Sounds good to me. I'd just need to get the templates from whoever has them. I think Soul has them, so I could talk to him.

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