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So, what is the word on other metas?

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Guest Chaos Pudding

TeleDAD, TeleSansDAD, Lightsworn, ZombieDAD, Zombiesworn, maybe 1 or 2 Glads, a few Middle Cities, and me, who is running Counter Plants and doing quite well for himself thank you very much.

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Guest PikaPerson01

Eh, in my lolcals...


Mostly DAD. Few lightsworn. Fewer Glads. Lately every n00b out there bought a Zombie structure deck, modded it slightly, and runs that, so I get grouped in with these failures.


I also run odd ball decks, like my crappy Space Junk deck. <_<

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Lets see....


My Locals has this:


1) TeleDAD (mostly these, but built wrong I think)

2) Lightsworn (I think maybe 2 peoples runt them still)

3) Zombies (up the wazoo)

4) Six Samurai (Only one or two guys run them)

5) Gladiator Beasts ( people still run them)

6) Geartown (3 people run them, I believe)

7) X amount of whatever.

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1. Teledad. one with CCV and other hyper-expensive cards, the others less-good builds.

2. Lightsworn. One person runs this all the time, and some of the teledad people run this on occasion.

3. Zombies. Everywhere. And not the noob-structure deck kind, the expensive kind with Plaguespreader.

4. Anti-Meta. There are tons of people playing all manner of these, Gadgets being the most popular. They are a serious pain, actually.

5. Spellcaster locks. Pretty recent.

5. Six Sam. One or two people play this.

6. Monarchs, mostly the synchro or Oppression variety.

7. Plants. I'm the only one so far, but people are starting to take interest.

8. Glads. These were popular but are dead now, there's like one person who uses one bad build.

9. Miscellaneous noob crap.

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