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Ultimatum RP (any one wanted)


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The world has fallen to chaos. Demons, known only as The Kings run the world, destroying all resistance. Fire has engulfed the world and all that made it beautiful. Now, in hte year 2167, there is nothing hardly in the world accept desert, ice, and fire. almost all of the survivors have been affected by radiation or some other type of mutation. this is used as an advantae to the resitance. you are part of the last remaining resitance. the mission of every one is that you try to find any survivors, have them join you, and don't die. once you have 10000 members, you, the resistance, fell like you will be ready without a doubt to destroy the dreded kings. Fight for your life, win for the lives of others.



1: If you die, for any reason, you have to make a new character.

2: you gots to stay on story. if you want to change story, message me and i'll approve.

3: NO GOD LIKE POWERS OF ANY KIND! (being able to touch something and it dies, creating life, destroying the world, super strenght, ect.)

4: this is not dnd, you don't level up, you just get more things to use

5: no guns, sorry.

6: not every one has to do the exact same thing. if two people want to go off and fight a different monster, they can. just say that you are. other wise it'll be really condduseing for every one.

7: Please follow all the rules.



now, to show who you are, what you are, and what you can do, this is how you do it.





NAME: Golnax (no last name)


Attributes:(looks and wat not) long Silver hair, is wearing a mask like the one below, tall, 6'8"; skinny, have symbiote tattoos all over my body, wearing a black cloak with a hood like on kingdom hearts, slightly ripped pants at the ankel, boots, gauntlets, and a ring like bellow.




Weapon of choice: Two twin samurai swords and a halbred.

Abilities: usage of lightning, fire, sand, and shadows. high running speeds, abnomal strength, cloning ones shadow

Hobbies: drawing, practicing skills, death

Personallity: Dark, Cold, Angry

Rank in resistance: General (every one starts out as noob, my character just different to show you around firstly)

Primary Language: english

Past: Unkown


Follow these guide lines on how to make your character and you should be in it in no time. if you want to change your person sometime durring the RP, just say what has changed. if you form a scocial link with some one (a friendship) you two are partners. now, i hope you enjoy, there's no rush, and you don't have to worry about a thing. if you have a question, message me personally. Now, Let Ultimatum begin!

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Name: Toskan shade

Gender: male

Atributes: 7ft. 8in. , Ingionous, Skilled swordsman, Juggalo tatoo on left arm sharingan tatoo on his right. always wears a sleevless shirt and levi jeans extremely muscular and 'sneaker' shoes.

weapon of joice: duble bladed sword and a dragon

abilaties: has no emotion can shape shift and can blend in with his suroundings.

hobbies: drawing, dueling

personality: no emotion at all

rank in resistance: noob

Age: 27 primary language: english past: doesnt care enough to remember

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Name: Nobody

Gender: Male

Atributes:long Silver hair, is wearing a mask like the one above, tall, 6'8"; skinny, have symbiote tattoos all over my body, wearing a black cloak with a hood like on kingdom hearts, slightly ripped pants at the ankel, boots, gauntlets, and a ring like above.

weapons of choise: a double bladed sword, two samarai swords, and a halbred.

Personality: Cold, dark, alone

abilities:usage of lightning, fire, sand, and shadows. high running speeds, abnomal strength, cloning ones shadow

Rank in resistance: Noob

Past: unknown


I'll start this up.


*crackel over a radio* 'you need to go to the area now and elimenate all enemies. Toskan, Nobody, the enemies are small so i'm giving this task to you. don't screw it up, and get going.'

"rodger." *i hang up on him and look at you* "are you ready?"

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