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Sprite Showcase [154]


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[spoiler=Request Information]I will only take request of Pokemon DPP sprites, I don't use the older sprites. Please make your request legiable, or it'll be ignored. I will complete the request whenever I get around to it. This is not a shop, you cannot use any requested sprite.




Nectare - Minun+Gastrodon+Heracross+Wailord

Phanwatt - Elekid+Duskull

Necrocharge - Electabuzz+Dusclops

Sonasaur - Aerodactyl+Crobat

Paladusk - Duskull+Scyther+Aggron+Rayquaza+Kabutops

Nohtyp - Seviper+Ekans



Froshog - Nidoking+Swinub+Azurill/Absol

Hopig - Spoink+Spiritomb+Torkoal

Korgrasp - Gengar+Haunter+Dusknoir

Pollucano - Camerupt+Duskull+Torkoal+Darkrai

Shedurai - Nincada+Anorith

Dragulp - Bagon+Gible

Barrapage - Remoraid+Gyarados



Tropublast - Loudred+Exegguter+Grovile+Shaymin

Cruipent - Lapras+Rayquaza

Oronaut - Nuzleaf+Dodrio+Sneasel

Hauntmare - Girafarig+Sneasel+Mismagius+Chimecho

Tundrey - Milotic+Suicune

IRSect - Heracross+Krabby+Bronzor+Shieldon+Dialga



Spookly - Ghastly+Duskull

Infernolf - Magby+Growlith+Houndour

Punkachu - Pikachu+Quilfish

Nekflare - Misdreavus+Charmander+Cyndaquil



Stenchseed - Shroomish+Jumpluff+Gloom+Ghastly

Pukepon - Jumpluff+Ghastly+Breloom+Snorunt+Gloom+Seedot+Oddish+Hoppip

A7X - Duskull+Golbat

Petey Piranha - Carnivine+Rosarade

Manbearpig - CrasherWake+Grumpig+Ursaring

Cactyrant - Cacturne+Vibrava+Rhyperior

Bloumera - Bollossum+Roselia



Sludgunk - Muk+Grimer

Nitejest - Mr. Mime+Murkrow

Strikerilla - Infernape+Hitmonchan

Ugtress - Snubble+Gardervoir+Zangoose

Poliwag Chain+Duskull



Moonsnatch - Darkrai+Giratina

Zappclowd - Altaria+Weavile

Esophoburst - Exploud

Ghastly Costume - Voltorb+Ghastly

Armaquil - Stunky+Volbeat+Spiritomb

Mewdusk - Mewtwo+Duskull

Shokshade - Rotom+Duskull

Stonetrunk - Bonsly+Geodude

Mecharch - Registeel+Heatran+Magnemite+Magneton



Crozeir - Crobat+Scizor+Electravire+Dusclops

Glowshade - Dusknoir+Venonat+Dratini

Snowcap - Wynaut+Snorunt

Pikablu - Pichu+Azurill

Lankoon - Silcoon+Chinchou+Spiritomb

Dumbird - Pidgeot+Slowbro+Onix

Turburn - Magmar+Sneasel+Spinda+Bagon

Voltshell - Pichu+Togepi

Haunter - Haunter+Shellder

Salachic - Alakazam+Charmander



Topbat - Hitmontop+Golbat

Topbat Alt. - Hitmontop+Golbat

Sandbolt - Sandshrew+Pikachu

Terroweed - Bellsprout+Purugly+Rayquaza

Earcore - Gliscor+Nidorino

Zoomhorn - Azumaril+Sunflora+Pinsir

Junkworm - Chickorita+Arbok

Madrevous - Misdreavus+Kirlia+Azelf

Marmal - Azumaril+Chinchou+Flaffy+Ledian

Shadrain - Shuppet+Quilfish+Gastly+Banette



Skullyruff - Jigglypuff+Cubone

Ectoliva - Lickitung+Drifblim

Meadobull - Tauros+Shaymin

Magnebot - Gastly+Magneton+Magnemite

Gigglykuff - Igglybuff+Gengar

Vanchu - Pikachu+Shieldon+Sneasel+Absol

Shellos (North) - Shellos (West)+Dialga+Rotom

Castorm (Sandstorm) - Castorm (Hail)+Hippowdon



Floatpalm - Hariyama+Drifblim

Coralga - Paras+Corsola+Dialga

Latiass - Beedrill+Latias+Croconaw

Doblebull - Ambipom+Snubble

Volstorm - Rotom+Altaria

Ragnapent - Sharpedo+Kingdra+Houndoom

Froscat - Glaceon+Shedinja

Growthbell - Chimecho+Carnivine

Doogull - Wingull+Starly






[spoiler=Recolors and Revamps]




Trainer Recolors

























Pokemon Sprites:






-Fairy Red



Ghost: Sbamber

Poison: Sbamber

Nuclear: moneypony


I would also like to thank Microsoft, for Paint.


All the sprites and palletes seen in this showcase are © ~Twisted~







- The palletes are free to use, no credit is needed; just don't claim as your own.

- Hey, dont steal my stuff.

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  • Replies 58
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I'll just pick a choose a couple to critique.


Replicate has a lot of things going on, and so normally I would say it would be a bad thing, but due to the thought that is the idea behind it, I won't as much. I will say though that it having glowing psychic hands is a little off, I mean no other Pokemon have that. I get that other Pokemon could have glowing blue psychic orbs or something, but they normally don't. I have to say I don't like the main body, its large, has flat and poor shading. Along the bottoms you have it all jagged with shades. The face is point a little bit too forward. The horns look improperly attached. The dark blue/purple border color is too blue in my opinion for all the purple. The magnet and Pikachu tail both look weird the way they are done. Wings could be place a little better I think.


Mewshade is very bland. All you did was alter hits head a little and change up the eyes. You could have done a little more. You also missed a few of the older borders in a few spots. This is more of a re-elementing or ghostafieing then a splice.


Cruipent is a tad too bland. I like how you tried at the streak though to add some new dimension too it. The streak going to the back fin could be a bit better though. The head looks a tad unnatural though, doesn't match the body too well, perhaps due to shading.


Ugg, I hate Petey Piranha. No not your splice, but I mean the character. You didn't do a bad job though. A problem I have is how the body and fangs have a different green then the arms. Petey is also a lot more plump, you made him a little buff actually. The dark green spots on his chest don't seem right either. The petals going around his head could be a little better too, they all look like they are perfectly straight and facing use, wrap them around the head at the same angle to improve that. To create that effect, have the right side of the head have just as many petals, but have the right side have larger ones too, or make the ons on the right smaller. Hide a few on the left under the head also, the head is tilted, so the petals would be partially cover on that side.


Hauntmare has a very weird head in the front. It look really out of place, due to the type of shading and all. Also there is too much Girapharig in all, the other Pokemon are practically unnoticeable other than Sneasle.

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