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First Attempt at Signature. Needs advices from the masters!

Jovi Siagian

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Thanks, people. I know it's not that great, but how to improve it? You don't have to say its advantage, but you have to say its flaws, and say how to make those flaws disappear. And could you explain it detailed? Because I'm not too familiar with Photoshop terms. X_X


And you're right, Dark Rose.


C'mon, Problematica! Make me cry! (but also make me improved)

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- I render is usually best

- Renders seem either out of focus or blurred.

- Text is best avoided until you get better.

- Outglow is best avoided because the renders should blend with the background


It'd be a nice idea to mess around with some tutorials out there, simple ones mind you to help you start to get ideas of methods to assist you.

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Darn, I usually prefer when people fear my critique. Pretty useless to be mean now :(


As for the sig, all the above said is pretty much right.

Don't go for more than 1 render because you want people to focus on 1 subject

Outer glow kills the blending in most cases, but it's useful if the focal is the source of light

Renders are too blurry, they need to be sharper or you won't really be able to see all the details

No lighting, gotta make a direction lighter than the rest by either darkening away from it or dodging the light area. Also, make sure that the light source fits along with the lighting on the focal

No depth, blur the parts away from the focal and lighting to make it look like there is some distance in the picture and it doesn't seem so flat.

Also, like Blood Rose said, avoid text for now until you get better. Then you'll understand how to make it fit in properly like all the other effects.

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