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Jurac Monoloph

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Guest PikaPerson01

If you're using it because you need a level 3 tuner, there are better level 3 tuners.


If you're using it because you need a lolbeatstick dinosaur, there are better lolbeatstick dinosaurs.


If you're using it for it's Asura Priest effect, you're better off using Asura Priest.


If, for some reason, you need a level 3 lolbeatstick dinosaur with an Asura Priest effect, then by all means, go for this card.

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IIRC Level 6 Synchros are more popular in the OCG meta.

So naturally Gilasaurus and this would go hand in hand.


Level 6 Synchros are more popular in the OCG for two excellent reasons:


1. The OCG has Brionac.

2. The OCG has Airbellum.


This card + Gilasaurus is a horribly inefficient method of Synchro Summoning. You end up -2'ing yourself, whereas effective Synchro Summon strategies are +0, or a -1 at the worst.

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Compared to what we have for effects like this, this card is good. We have one that returns to your hand (which can be good or bad), one that does no damage, one that requires a buttload of work, one that requires to be Fusion Summoned, etc. This card has no downside to use his effect, and he's a Tuner.


Maybe not the best card, but you have to give it some credit.


Also, Juracs, as an Archetype, aren't very good at all.

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