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My Doom Cards (Unfinished)


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well, here they are, i hope u like'em from the shadowfall booster pack










150407qx2.jpg This card cannot be normal summned or set, this card cannot be special summoned except when inferno is faceup on the field, when this card is special summoned, destroy all monsters on your side of the field except those ones that include doom in their card names, then you can special summon as many monsters as you can from your hell cementery that their card names are doom monsters, by destroying an "Dark cacodemon of doom" in your side of the field to the hell cementery you inflict damage to the opponent life points equal to the "dark cacodemon of doom" atk, if this card is destroyed you automatically lose the duel


150407he8.jpg This card cannot be normal summoned or set, this card cannot be special summoned except by the effect of "Cacodemon rise" for every card in your hell cementery this card wins 1000 attack, this card can destroy an opponent monster once per turn during your main phase, while this card is face up on your side of the field you win 1000 life points for every card on the field, if inferno is destroyed this card is removed from play and it cannot be special summoned again, if this card attacks your opponent life points directly,discard his/her entire hand









the activation of this card cannot be negated You can only activate this card when your opponent has "Inferno" on the field

destroy the card and your opponent takes the life points damage instead of you,when this card is face up on th field you gain 500 life points for each card you have on the field,if any monster card attacks directly to your opponent life points double any battle damage.





150407ci0.jpg The activation of this card cannot be negated, when this card is activated remove all cards of your cementery and create a cementery called "hell cementery" all monsters in this cementery cannot be summoned and special summon 3 tokens on your side of the field (fiend type,300 atk, 300 def, dark atributte)

for each monster you have in the hell cementery you win 100 life points, if this card is destroyed both your opponent and you take 200 life points damage for each card in the hell cementery and destroy all your monsters on your side of the field ,pay 500 life points for each monster on your side of the field at the end phase, if you dont have any monster on your side of the field (incluiding tokens) destroy this card,when your deck is over, shuffle your hell cementery and add all the cards you shuffled to your deck zone.


150407vc1.jpg this card cannot be normal summoned or set, this card cannot be special summoned excpt when "inferno" is on the field, when this card is destroyed by a result of battle special summon this card in your side of the field, this card cannot be used for a tribute summon, this card can attack your opponent life directly as many times you have a "doom" monster(s) in your hand












i will upload more soon

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i putted doom names cause its like a series of monsters' date=' like the elemental heroes or destiny heroes

i hope i get better on this things



well if you want to do it like that then put it like

Doom Creature-Lost Soul

and two when making the card effect look at real yugioh card to give you an idea.

and three i do not think its "DoomGuy" he/she is a space marine. so but i am going off the old one the original Doom i know nothing of Doom 3.

but all in all its a good idea it just needs a... Wax job. Try again you may get better at it.

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Yea two many card, This took a while for my computer to load. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I run a old IBM computer.


Bad Pics

Quality is better then quantity

I don't know I will guess after reading the first three cards it is pretty OCG

Little overpowered.


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