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Make a monster that is usable anywhere

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OK, topic title is the answer to this thread. If a monster were to be released into the TCG, and it was usuable in any deck. What will it be (answer the following)?


Archetype: (Such as E-Hero, Cloudian, Exodia)

Type: (Also include if its a Normal Monster, Fusion Monster etc)

Subtype: (Union, Tuner etc)




Card Lore: (effect of the card)


Go! Go! Go!

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Guest PikaPerson01

Destiny Hero Lightsworn Neo-Spacian Guy


Archetype: Destiny Hero, Lightsworn, Neo-Spacian

Type: Dark

Subtype: Tuner

Attribute: Warrior

Level: 2

ATK/DEF: 1000/0

Card Lore:

This card can be special summoned from your hand if you control no monsters, or if you control monsters. Once per turn, this card can gain 1500 attack. If you activate this effect, this card can not attack this turn. While this card is in your hand, it is treated as a Level 8 Monster.




Reinforcements of the Army

Charge of the Light Brigade

Elemental Hero Stratos

Cross Porter


Destiny Draw

Allure of Darkness


Convert Contact


Recurring Nightmare

Dark Eruption

Limit Reverse

Graceful Revival


Crush Card Virus

Deck Devestation Virus

Eradicating Epidermic Virus


Plus it's a tuner that can be SS-ed by it's own effect from your hand.

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Name Destiny Hero of the Dark World

Archtype: Destiny Hero, Dark World

Attribute: Dark

Type: Effect, Spellcaster

Subtype: Tuner

Lore: If this card is discarded for the effect of Destiny Draw, or a "Dark World" card you can Tribute 1 non-Tuner monster to Special Summon 1 Synchro monster with a Level equal to the combined Level of this card and the Tributed monster, this Summon is treated as a Synchro Summon.


Yay Destiny Draw + Synchro Summon off 1 card.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Destiny Hero Power Creep Guy, Lightsworn Neo-Spacian

(Level 2/DARK/1000/0)

[Warrior / Tuner]

While this card is in your hand or in the Graveyard, it is treated as a Level 8 Normal Monster. When this card is face-up on the field, its Attribute is also treated as LIGHT. Once per Duel, you may increase this card's ATK up to 1500 points. If you activate this effect, this card cannot declare an attack. If this card is used in a Synchro Summoning, you may treat it as a non-Tuner.


Do I win?

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Lightsworn Destiny Hero Gladiator Beast Archfiend

2 / Dark / Warrior / Tuner

1000 / 0

While this card is in your hand it is treated as a level 8. This card is also treated as a Zombie and LIGHT. Once per duel you may increase this cards attack by 1500, this card cannot attack in this turn. If this card is attacked or attacks at the end of the battle phase you may return this card to your deck to special summon 2 Gladiator Beasts from your deck. Once per turn you may pay 800 lifepoints to special summon 1 level 2 monster from your deck. By removing 1 monster from your graveyard from play you can special summon this card from your hand or graveyard. You can discard this card from your hand to return 1 spell from your graveyard to your hand.




Solar Recharge


Zombie Master

Il Blud


Book of Life

Pyramid Turtle

Goblin Zombie


Gladiator Support.


Recurring Nightmare


Mystic Tomato


Dark Erruption


Graceful Revial

Limit Reverse



Charge of the Light

Trade - In.


Ye i went a little overboard.

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Destiny Hero Malwarious


Warrior / Dark Tuner

8 / 0 / 0

If you draw this card by a card effect, draw 1 card. This card is also treated as a Tuner monster. This card's Level can also be treated as 2, 4, or 6 when it is face-up on the field.


Destiny Draw

Allure of Darkness

Reinforcement of the Army




At least I didn't do a Gladiator Beast Lightsworn Neo-Spacian Hero Darkness Clear Crystal Beast DARK monster.

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Destiny Hero - Des Card (D-Hero Discard Guy)


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. If your hand contains four or more cards' date=' you may Special Summon this card. While in your hand, this card's Level is treated as 8. While in your hand, this card is treated as a Normal Monster. Once per turn, you can send up to 3 cards from the top of your Deck to the Graveyard. This card gains 500 ATK for each card sent to the Graveyard this way. While face-up on the field during your Main Phase, this card's name is also treated as "Cyber Dragon". When this card is sent to the graveyard, draw 1 card. When this card is removed from play, draw 2 cards. When this card is special summoned from the graveyard, draw 1 card. When this card is special summoned after it has been removed from play, draw 2 cards. By returning this face-up card on the field to your hand, you may add one Spell or Trap Card from your graveyard to your hand, then discard two cards. ,This card cannot be destroyed as a result of battle. The special summon of this card cannot be negated. The controller of this card takes no battle damage. The controller of this card takes no damage as a result of a card effect. When this card is destroyed by your opponent's card effect, add 1 card from your Graveyard to your hand. If this card is discarded from the hand to the Graveyard by a card effect, Special Summon it. If this card is discarded from the hand to the Graveyard by your opponent's card effect, return all cards your opponent controls to the bottom of their deck.



UDE would save a lot of ink if this card just said "If this card is in your hand, you may declare victory."


If it said that, it would be a +0.

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Guest Chaos Pudding



Destiny Hero - Des Card (D-Hero Discard Guy)


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. If your hand contains four or more cards' date=' you may Special Summon this card. While in your hand, this card's Level is treated as 8. While in your hand, this card is treated as a Normal Monster. Once per turn, you can send up to 3 cards from the top of your Deck to the Graveyard. This card gains 500 ATK for each card sent to the Graveyard this way. While face-up on the field during your Main Phase, this card's name is also treated as "Cyber Dragon". When this card is sent to the graveyard, draw 1 card. When this card is removed from play, draw 2 cards. When this card is special summoned from the graveyard, draw 1 card. When this card is special summoned after it has been removed from play, draw 2 cards. By returning this face-up card on the field to your hand, you may add one Spell or Trap Card from your graveyard to your hand, then discard two cards. ,This card cannot be destroyed as a result of battle. The special summon of this card cannot be negated. The controller of this card takes no battle damage. The controller of this card takes no damage as a result of a card effect. When this card is destroyed by your opponent's card effect, add 1 card from your Graveyard to your hand. If this card is discarded from the hand to the Graveyard by a card effect, Special Summon it. If this card is discarded from the hand to the Graveyard by your opponent's card effect, return all cards your opponent controls to the bottom of their deck.



UDE would save a lot of ink if this card just said "If this card is in your hand, you may declare victory."


If it said that, it would be a +0.


God, that topic was so OLD. I don't even remember posting that far back.

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Purrpl, Mercenary of Dark World

Archetype: Dark World

Type: Fiend

Subtype: Tuner

Attribute: DARK

Level: 2

ATK/DEF: 1000/1200

Card Lore: If this card is discarded from the hand to the Graveyard by a card effect, Special Summon it. If this card is Special Summoned, it can be treated as a Level 3 Monster. When this card is removed from the field you can pay 1500 life points to add 1 Normal Spell Card from your Graveyard to your hand.


Allure of Darkness

Synchro Summons

Crush Card Virus

Normal Spell Recovery

Graceful Revival

Limit Reverse


Mystic Tomato

Dark World Dealings

Morphing Jar

Card Destruction

Puppet Master

Dark World Lightening

Dark Eruption

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Level 6

LIGHT Attribute


During the beginning of the Duel, select 1 monster in your Deck. This card's Attribute becomes the Attribute of the selected monster for the rest of the Duel. When a monster is Special Summoned, you can discard this card from your Deck to destroy it and remove from play the card with the effect that unsucsessfully Special Summoned the monster. You can discard 1 card from your hand and 3 cards from the top of your opponent's Deck to Special Summon this card. When this card is Summoned except from the Deck, increase this card's ATK by multiples of 500 up to 2500.


Negates Special Summons easily from your Deck

Easy Synchro Summons


Crush Card Virus

Deck Devastation Virus

Eradicator Epidemic Virus

Allure of Darkness


Limit Reverse


Des Cartes, Sea King


Level 4

LIGHT Attribute

Sea Serpent/Effect

This card cannot be destroyed by any effect or by any monster with 1300 or more ATK. When a card is drawn by an effect while this card is in the Deck, negate the effect that caused the draw and Special Summon this card from your Deck. As long as this card is on the field in face-up Attack Position, no cards can be drawn outside of the Draw Phase and no cards can be destroyed outside of Main Phase and the Battle Phase.


No More Draws

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Gladiator Beast Pantera, Lightsworn Synchron



Level 3


At the end of the Battle Phase, if this card attacked or was attacked, you can return this card to your Deck to Special Summon 1 "Gladiator Beast" monster from your Deck except "Gladiator Beast Samnite". this card gets the following effect. If this card is Special Summoned by the effect of a "Gladiator Beast" monster, this card gains the following effect:

● During each of your End Phases, send the top 3 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard.

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