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[REQ]Modern Background, 50 points payment[REQ]

Jovi Siagian

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I need these:

1. Modern Booster Background. As you see, from The Duelist Genesis onwards, they do not use the background with Egyptian Stone Tablet thing. I want that TDGS background.


2. Rendered Original Yu-Gi-Oh! Logo. (Fulfilled)


3. Rendered Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Logo. (Fulfilled)


4. Old Arcane Circle. (Fulfilled)


I'll pay 50 points.

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this is the one the bucket 90 posted:


different image tags but very similar picture,i doesn't seem like it was made by him.

and here is the original thread he posted it in

and this thread is also in the request section so maybe andyrad wanted to see if he can give him it and saw that he posted it in public.so he took it and re-uploaded in another account,i mean,2 exactly same pictures????

especially by 2 different people

i don't think Andyrad1 made it so i guess he shouldn't be paid,make him give the points back since he earned points for something he didn't even make.

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