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Testing my Synchrosworn Deck.


Used Heavy Storm to eliminate my opponent's back row. Checked my Graveyard, I had enough different Lightsworns in there to summon JD, summoned JD, nuked the field, Foolished D-Hero Malicious, used Malicious' ability to special summon another copy of itself, Normal Summoned Plaguespreader, Synchro'd for Stardust, used the Synched Malicious' ability to summon another, Monster Reborned the Plaguespreader, Synchro'd for Thought Ruler Archfiend. Then I attacked for game.

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I repeatedly attacked my opponent with PMD and used some of my cards to return any monsters they had to their hand. Strangely' date=' they didn't attack PMD with their [b']Armed Dragon Level 7[/b].


I lol'd.


That wasn't even the silly part! They tried to destroy PMD with its effect, which is how the Armed Dragon died.

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Zombie Mastered my REZD' date=' had to COSRs on the field and drew 2. Lightning, dropped a Ryu Kokki. Played Monster Reborn,got Kokki, drew 2. Normal summoned REZD from mah hand after tributing Zombie Master. Book of Life'd a seond Ryu Kokki, drew 2. Zombie World on the field, so I booked a Mole Man, and returned the face down monster. Attacked for game.


Since when could Zombie Master's effect work on REZD?

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Zombie Mastered my REZD' date=' had to COSRs on the field and drew 2. Lightning, dropped a Ryu Kokki. Played Monster Reborn,got Kokki, drew 2. Normal summoned REZD from mah hand after tributing Zombie Master. Book of Life'd a seond Ryu Kokki, drew 2. Zombie World on the field, so I booked a Mole Man, and returned the face down monster. Attacked for game.


Since when could Zombie Master's effect work on REZD?


It doesn't.

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I had Blue-Eyes and Tyrant on the field.


Used my Monster Reborn to bring back Felgrand, choose creator for his effect.


Wingbeat of a Giant Dragon brought Tyrant back and cleard the field (My opponent had no monsters)


Blue-Eyes + Insanely buffed Felgrand vs. 500 Lifepoints.






But, I was dueling a Ancient Gear/Crystal Beast deck...

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Testing my Synchrosworn Deck.


Used Heavy Storm to eliminate my opponent's back row. Checked my Graveyard' date=' I had enough different Lightsworns in there to summon JD, summoned JD, nuked the field, Foolished D-Hero Malicious, used Malicious' ability to special summon another copy of itself, [b']Normal Summoned Plaguespreader[/b], Synchro'd for Stardust, used the Synched Malicious' ability to summon another, Monster Reborned the Plaguespreader, Synchro'd for Thought Ruler Archfiend. Then I attacked for game.


If its IRL, your a lucky guy.



Anyways. My last duel I cleared his back row with trunade, activated 2 CoSR, removed mezuki to special zombie master, drew 2, discarded another mezuki, for another zombie master, discarded a turtle for the turtle itself, removed mezuki to special REZD and attacked for game. Almost ended decking out though.



EDIT: He had 7300 LP left btw

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It is the beginning of the duel.


I set Ring Of Destruction and Magic Cylinder and end my turn.


Other dude summons Jirai Gumo and fails the flip coin when he attacks, loses half of his life points. I negate his attack with Magic Cylinder, reducing his life points to 1800. I use Ring of Destruction on Jirai Gumo and killed him.


two turns. i was like ....What?

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Another battle.


I set Ring Of Destruction and Magic Cylinder and summon Gene-Warped Warwolf.


opponent activates Pot Of Greed, summons Cyber-Stein to summon Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon. Attacks with B.E.U.D and is negated with Magic Cylinder. I activate Ring Of Destruction to destroy B.E.U.D. Game.

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So, I was dueling online, about to win, then my opponent, who was using a e-hero deck, placed his chrysalis pantail in his field spell card zone and started going crazy.

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against my sis.

lp: 3400 (me) 2000 (her)

her field: macro and cyber dragon 1 set card, none in hand. my field: cosr, hand: monster reborn, lumina and monster reincarnation.

reborn lyla, drew e con. destroyed macros. summoned lumina and pinched monster reincarnation for lumina. draw wulf. piched wulf for wulf. draw bottomless. attack with wulf, she uses D prison chain with e con to tribute wulf take cyber dragon. game.

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First turn I set up Summoner of illusions and placed a face-down

opponent sets a card, pass

I Normal Summon cyber kirin, Flip summoner of illusions...tribute Cyber Kirin, Special Summon CED...Stupidly equip it with with megamoprh and chage SoI to atk position.

Attack with SoI, to Piramid turtle face-down

I lose 500...megamoprh activates, attack and then flip my face-down card...Limiter

made 14600damage


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His Field: Dark Grepher, 1 Face-Down (Mirror Force)


I Went Second.


Hand: Card Trooper, King of the Skull Servants, Heavy Storm, Allure of Darkness, Burial from the Different Dimension, Zombie Master


Activated Heavy Storm, Summoned Troop, dropped 2 Skull Sevants and one Zombie Master. Used Allure, drew Card of Safe Return and Monster Reborn, Removed King of the SS. Activated CoSR, Activated Monster Reborn on Zombie Master, Drew Allure. Discarded Zombie Master for Zombie Master's effect to bring back Zombie Master, drew Skull Servant. Used Allure, Drew King of the SS and another Allure. Removed King of the SS.


Hand: Burial from the Different Dimension, Allure of Darkness, Skull Servant

Graveyard: 2 Skull Servant, Monster Reborn, Heavy Storm, 2 Allure of Darkness

Field: 2 Zombie Master, Card Trooper, CoSR

RFG: 2 King of the SS


Used Allure, drew Lady in Wight and CoSR. Used CoSR, Removed Wight, used Burial to get back Kings and Wight, used Zombie Master's effect, discarded Skull Servant to bring back King of the SS (5000 ATK). Drew Lighting Vortex and Mezuki. Used Lightning, Used Mezuki's Effect, Brought back King of the SS (5000 ATK). Attacked witrh both kings for a damage level of over 9000.

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i remember i duel i had against a macro-monarch deck. i was using my defence deck, let's see, he had: mobius, 2 caius, and a raiza, plus 2 f/d. i had: f/d guardian sphinx, canyon and burden of the mighty. i believ his last turn had him using the caius he summoned on my other f/d, which was magic jammer. i believe i had my turn, flipped my sphinx and attacked directly for win. i mocked him unmercifully, since he totalled two of my other decks.

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