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081211 // Format: 2008.09.01 ADV // Last Update: 2008.12.22 [spoiler=Main Deck]

  • MONSTER: 22 Cards
    • 3 Apprentice Magician
      1 Breaker the Magical Warrior
      3 Crystal Seer
      3 Dark Red Enchanter
      3 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
      3 Magical Exemplar
      3 Night’s End Sorcerer
      3 Old Vindictive Magician

SPELL: 15 Cards

  • 3 Allure of Darkness
    2 Book of Moon
    1 Brain Control
    2 Foolish Burial
    1 Heavy Storm
    2 Instant Fusion
    1 Monster Reborn
    1 Mystical Space Typhoon
    2 Secret Village of the Spellcasters

TRAP: 5 Cards

  • 2 Magician’s Circle
    3 Solemn Judgment


[spoiler=Extra Deck]

  • MONSTER: 15 Cards
    • 2 Black Rose Dragon
      3 Goyo Guardian
      1 Kamionwizard
      2 Musician King
      1 Psychic Lifetrancer ‹3
      2 Stardust Dragon
      3 Tempest Magician
      1 Thought Ruler Archfiend


[spoiler=Side Deck]

  • MONSTER: 6 Cards
    • 3 D.D. Crow
      3 Thunder King Rai-Oh

SPELL: 3 Cards

  • 3 Twister

TRAP: 6 Cards

  • 2 Rivalry of Warlords
    3 Threatening Roar




Thanks for checking this out.

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It's funny how decks that seem to be based around having monsters on the field seem to be lacking a number of monsters in the deck. Anyway' date=' the deck looks okay, I guess. Have you done any testing on it so far?



No, I don't have the means.


Ideally, this deck would have a pair of Summon Priest, and that would make the Monster count more reasonable.

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Instant Fusion could be run at 2. Dropping stuff is the difficult part. I doubt you will need 3.


Basically make the Extra Deck something like this.


3x Tempest Magician

3x Goyo Guardian

2x Stardust Dragon

2x Thought Ruler Archfiend

2x Black Rose Dragon

2x Reaper on the Nightmare

1x Darkfire Dragon


Thought Ruler Archfiend is a good option since it can't be removed from the field with Compulsory Evacuation Device or PWWB or any other Spell or Trap card that targets at a cost that can be refunded if it destroys a Monster.


Reaper on the Nightmare is a CCV target and gives access to Level 7 Synchros. Particularly Black Rose Dragon which is a field nuker.

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Instant Fusion could be run at 2. Dropping stuff is the difficult part. I doubt you will need 3.


Basically make the Extra Deck something like this.


3x Tempest Magician

3x Goyo Guardian

2x Stardust Dragon

2x Thought Ruler Archfiend

2x Black Rose Dragon

2x Reaper on the Nightmare

1x Darkfire Dragon


Thought Ruler Archfiend is a good option since it can't be removed from the field with Compulsory Evacuation Device or PWWB or any other Spell or Trap card that targets at a cost that can be refunded if it destroys a Monster.


Reaper on the Nightmare is a CCV target and gives access to Level 7 Synchros. Particularly Black Rose Dragon which is a field nuker.


I can't figure out what to drop at all.

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I like to think that minor spell/trap removal such as MST can be sided at best, despite it's ability to generate spell counters. Instant Fusion would be useful for synchro summoning, since you only have 16 monsters, although Exempler/Foolish should be able to take care of that most of the time.


Good luck with this!

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The fact that you're running ONLY OVM along with obvious Night's for the Apprentice engine is bad.


Crystal Seer is better this format.


Magical Exemplar at 3 is too much. Night's End at 3 is arguably too much, but that comes down to personal preference.


3 Magician's Circle is too much, 2 is much better.


Magical Dimension is a total jabroni female dog in this format. Chainable, turns Night's into double crows, and since it all happens when it resolves it keeps field presence for Village.


No Terraforming it bad.


With the Circles you need 1-2 DR Enchanters or 1-2 Marionettes, or a combination of both.


Shrink makes it seem like it's trying too hard to be Honest, but it's not. I do like the idea though.



-2 OVM

-1 Exemplar

-1 Circle

-1 Shrink


+2 Crystal Seer

+1 Terraforming

+2 DR Enchanter/Marionette


Forgoing Magical Dimension entirely, although with Enchanter/Marionette it gets a little better.


Extra should be:

3x Tempest

2x Goyo

2x SDD

2x TRA

2x Colossal

1x RDA

1x BRD


1x Gyz

1x Herak

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The fact that you're running ONLY OVM along with obvious Night's for the Apprentice engine is bad.


Crystal Seer is better this format.


Magical Exemplar at 3 is too much. Night's End at 3 is arguably too much' date=' but that comes down to personal preference.


3 Magician's Circle is too much, 2 is much better.


Magical Dimension is a total [s']b****[/s] female dog in this format. Chainable, turns Night's into double crows, and since it all happens when it resolves it keeps field presence for Village.


No Terraforming it bad.


With the Circles you need 1-2 DR Enchanters or 1-2 Marionettes, or a combination of both.


Shrink makes it seem like it's trying too hard to be Honest, but it's not. I do like the idea though.



-2 OVM

-1 Exemplar

-1 Circle

-1 Shrink


+2 Crystal Seer

+1 Terraforming

+2 DR Enchanter/Marionette


Forgoing Magical Dimension entirely, although with Enchanter/Marionette it gets a little better.


Extra should be:

3x Tempest

2x Goyo

2x SDD

2x TRA

2x Colossal

1x RDA

1x BRD


1x Gyz

1x Herak


For some reason, I don't like any of those fixes.


Crystal Seer...


Although, considering my budget, Crystal Seer is a much better option, since then I wouldn't have to get CCV.


Enchanter and Marionette are too slow, I think.

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As Cheese said, theyre your skilled darks and marionette is a very good target for circle. Also, If you have marionette out, how in the world would your spells be locked?



Go with the changes that JD made' date=' except neg a magicians circle and an exampler. Also as Cheese Pirate said.... MAGICAL DIMENSION IS SO ANNOYING!!!!


What do teh numbers mean?



That too.

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As Cheese said' date=' theyre your skilled darks and marionette is a very good target for circle. Also, If you have marionette out, how in the world would your spells be locked?



Go with the changes that JD made, except neg a magicians circle and an exampler. Also as Cheese Pirate said.... MAGICAL DIMENSION IS SO ANNOYING!!!!


What do teh numbers mean?


That too.


Marionette is just going to be a dumb beatstick, why would I do that?

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it does need more beatsticks imo

and seers


foolish is horrible here you lose enough hand advantage as it is

and i would only use 1 nights end


also i like cosr in deck tht run exemplar


(yes 1 nights end' date=' as the only way to use it is exemplar and you have kycoo anyway ^_^)



Why would I not want to Synchro?


I've built in everything that'd support running 3.

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-1 night's end sorcerer

-2 foolish burial

-1 magician's circle


+3 dark red enchanter

+1 brain control


I don't even know why you're running Foolish Burial here. Apprentice Magician should be enough to search what you need. Dark Red Enchanter gives you something to do with those Old Vindictive Magician once they've been flipped. Brain Control is one of the best syncro support and almost a staple.


You're running too many copies of the same synchro's in your extra deck . You'll never bring out 3 goyos for example. Think of your extra deck as a tool box or a swiss knife you need to have a response for everything. I'd run something more like :


1 red dragon archfiend

2 colossal fighter

2 thought ruler archfiend

2 stardust dragon

1 black rose dragon

2 goyo guardian

2 tempest magician

1 magical android

1 reaper on the nightmare

1 darkfire dragon

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-1 night's end sorcerer

-2 foolish burial

-1 magician's circle


+3 dark red enchanter

+1 brain control


I don't even know why you're running Foolish Burial here. Apprentice Magician should be enough to search what you need. Dark Red Enchanter gives you something to do with those Old Vindictive Magician once they've been flipped. Brain Control is one of the best syncro support and almost a staple.


You're running too many copies of the same synchro's in your extra deck . You'll never bring out 3 goyos for example. Think of your extra deck as a tool box or a swiss knife you need to have a response for everything. I'd run something more like :


1 red dragon archfiend

2 colossal fighter

2 thought ruler archfiend

2 stardust dragon

1 black rose dragon

2 goyo guardian

2 tempest magician

1 magical android

1 reaper on the nightmare

1 darkfire dragon


Magical Exemplar + Foolish Burial = Goyo Guardian/Tempest Magician.


That aside, however, Foolish Burial has no purpose.


I really don't like taking out Night's End Sorcerer and Magician's Circle; any reason why you chose to take them out?


Extra Deck looks nice, but I don't like Magical Android here, so I'll swap it for another Black Rose Dragon.

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I was debating between night's end sorcerer and old vindictive magician to make some room for dark red enchanter. I fugured that since old vindictive combos well with dark red and since you don't have many crush target besides those and apprentice that i should keep them over night's end sorcerer.


I wasn't very fond of triple magician circle. Drawing multiple of those is usually bad, and you have to be able to attack with something for them to be useful. (like you won't always have shrink or book of moon with it)


Now I'm starting to understand why you run foolish here you might be able to cut 2 other cards to fit was I suggested if you want to try it like a shrink and an old vindictive.

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