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Card Contest [open] 3 entries left [10 maximum]


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This contest is for people who think they can survive in all of the contests that lay ahead. Now only 10 may join and the prize is not that much this year as I have not many points but next year you will be getting probaly twice as much points or maybe 10 times and probaly 100rep.


Now you start with 5 CP [card points] now to earn these you have to win contests and each contest won gives you an extra 1 CP but if you loose you loose 1 CP. Now when you have 0 CP you cannot compete for the rest of this years season. Now when all the matches have been done the person with the most CP wins 6rep and 10 points. Now I know this is little but you also get an moving avatar token and a pic token to buy from my shop which is called:


Wonder Pics Shop [open] selling moving avatars and pics




Serrenox - 5 CP

darkmaster - 5 CP

newcas12 - 5 CP

rscrash94 - 5 CP

GAK - 5 CP

cantstaystill - 5 CP

DAJ - 5 CP

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