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Just to keep you on your toes... [LAWL DISC]

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Existing cards are getting boring, so let's start talking about cards that don't exist, just to keep things a little bit interesting and to keep your brains awake.


Nonmechanical Snail


When this card is sent to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon it in face-up Attack Position on your opponent's side of the field by returning one face-up monster you control to your Deck. If this card is sent from your Deck to the Graveyard, it is removed from play.


No picture, because I'm lazy.


Go, now.


By the way, the last effect is similar to that of Macro Cosmos - it is redirected and never actually hits the graveyard, so you can't use its first effect after Foolishing it.


Oh, and before anyone brings up Rule 2, that doesn't apply here for a very good reason that I can't think of right now. But trust me, the double standard is almost probably justified.

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Are we supposed to banter about its banworthiness and so on and so forth?


If so, then I'll proceed by statin' that it isn't - you're essentially wastin' a Normal Summon here, and god forbid this be used for Tribute or Synchro Summons.


EDIT: Forget that. I'm readin' too fast.


I now proceed by sayin' it's sadomasochistic disembowellin' - not only do you lose field presence, you give your opponent a monster...


... nothing like harakiri. I tell you.

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bad card is bad. Its pretty useless stat wise. Cant be used for draw cards. Has no real support. Oh and deck thicking to give your opponent a monster is pro.


Not to mention you -1 yourself to give your opponent a monster.


Terrible card. Next discussion.


lol that reminds me of when I -2d myself for game today (well last night) at locals XD. but yea I think that pretty much sums this card up.


EDIT! Actually I just found a use for this!! Glad Beasts could abuse this card to no end! It give em constant attack targets and allows you to recycle them without having to tag the harder to tag ones.

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Guest PikaPerson01

EDIT! Actually I just found a use for this!! Glad Beasts could abuse this card to no end! It give em constant attack targets and allows you to recycle them without having to tag the harder to tag ones.


I heard monsters work better when they're allowed to swing directly instead of having to battle a monster.


On topic, I'm betting this card is really broken or something with some either really new or really obscure card. Overall, it doesn't look like it's really all that scary, a -2 effect. Probably involved in some combo though.

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may I add a new card to the discussion?


and on your snail, since it can be tributed, it isn't a good idea to give it to your opponent for any deck but glad really.



(any way, my card idea was this: total defense army

level 3 EARTH warrior. ATK 1000. DEF 1000.

when this card leaves the field from an effect controlled by your opponent, special summon 2 "total defense army" monsters from your hand or deck.

if there are 3 "total defense army" monsters in your grave or 3 removed from play, return 2 to the bottom of your deck and special summon 1 "total defense army" to the field in face-up attack position. this monster may not be tributed until the end phase of the turn it was summoned on.)

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EDIT! Actually I just found a use for this!! Glad Beasts could abuse this card to no end! It give em constant attack targets and allows you to recycle them without having to tag the harder to tag ones.


I heard monsters work better when they're allowed to swing directly instead of having to battle a monster.


Yea but say for example your oppoent has Goyo. How the hell can you swing through that with a GB? Simple. Tag into Murmillo by using the card. I didnt say itd be good I said it could be abused by a GB deck

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I take it that you looked at the first post' date=' saw a written card along with some extra text that you didn't bother reading, and decided to post.


Also, what's with you and Mechanical Snail?


It's a well-known fact that Mechanical Snail is the only card I actually own in real life.


Like I was saying' date=' isn't there a rule that would stop him from being summoned? You know, because Hydrogeddon's effect activates when the monster is sent to the Graveyard, as does this card's, and they're both optional effects.



They activate simultaneously, and both activate immediately after Nonmechanical Snail hits the graveyard. Missing The Timing isn't a factor here; they are simply both placed on the chain in an order decided by the turn player.


It's the same reason that Future Fusion ---> Cydra + 3 Jinzo + 3 Jinzo - returner lets you Special Summon 3 Jinzo instead of just 1 Jinzo.

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