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Heart Of Exodia Deck


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1 Exodia The Forbidden One

1 Right Arm of the Forbidden One

1 Right Leg of the Forbidden One

1 Left Arm of the Forbidden One

1 Left Leg of the Forbidden One

3 Sabersaurus

3 Gladiator Beast Andal

3 Mad Dog of Darkness

3 Alien Shocktrooper

3 Soul Tiger

3 Renge, Gatekeeper of Dark World

3 Battle Footballer

3 Charcoal Inpachi


1 Level Limit Area B

3 Heart of the Underdog

3 Magical Mallet


I have always been fascinated with how some Exodia decks run. Some rely stall and others rely on speed. Speed is in the metagame today. We all know what Heart of the Underdog does. If we draw a normal monster, we show it to our opponent and we get to draw again. If this deck gets going in 3 turns, you can win in less then 5 turns, depending on how fast your opponent's deck

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okay few things: 1: You need numbers. I swear this is pissing me off, people ignoring this rule lately. Your luck I aint a mod but... *sigh* okay now anyway


This deck has a HUGE problem. Okay heres how you play a HOTU Exodia deck. You take a bunch of Dark Vanillas, play 3 Allure, 3 Upstart, 3 Hand Destruction and 1-2 Veil of Darkness, none of which you have. FIX NOW


BTW this deck is only 36 cards... I really wish I was a mod right now

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Just an idea for HotU Exodia I thought up.


Monsters: 23


1x Exodia the Forbidden One

1x Left Arm of the Forbidden One

1x Right Arm of the Forbidden One

1x Left Leg of the Forbidden One

1x Right Leg of the Forbidden One

3x Cosmo Queen

3x Tri-Horned Dragon

3x Archfiend Soldier

3x Vorse Raider

3x Mad Dog of Darkness

3x Gil Garth


Spells: 17


3x Heart of the Underdog

2x Veil of Darkness

3x Allure of Darkness

3x Trade-In

3x Hand Destruction

3x Reload


Im thinking Trade-In with Cosmo Queen and Tri-Horned Dragon for extra speed. Both are Allureable and Trade-In food.

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