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Pokemon World Now Excepting Members!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Can I join? pokemon is my 1st hobby, and as for enticing ideas i have one Competitive Gym Reduex! were you take the past gym leader's and give them teams that are competively viable, with a R1 and R2 set, R1 must have their signature pokemon or it's evolved forms, thier type of specialty must be heavily enforce, teams are from 4-6 pokemon, no legendaries until R2 and moves and stuff like that must be legal, R2 is much more flexible on the teams (like giving Bugsy a Flygon because of Flygons realation to a dragonfly)

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Cool you all can join just vist often and that gym idea is really cool [even though i diddnt understand a word you said :lol: ] Ill put you in charge of that.

u culd have riddles.

Riddles? Explain cuss i am getting a bad vibe


By the way every one check the first post for activitys that i might be starting its under pokemon news.

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like u culd have riddles and whoever gets it right culd git reps or points.

EX: Question: wat is as tall as u but doesnt weigh a thing?

Answer: your shadow

u wil git 1(or more) positive rep or 5 points

(post teh riddle on teh 1st page and have people pm u teh answer...if they git it right post a different 1)

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