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Unfinished booster pack design


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What do you think of my newest booster pack? It's unfinished i know and the render is done by me so it's not the best quality. There's also a few things i need:



5d's Logo RENDERED (not just white bg, rendered!)

A tut on putting shadow on text in GIMP


Anyways, here's the booster:




And here it is with text and logo. Yes, I know the text sucks.



As said the image is rendered by me so it's not the best quality. And yes, i know that the render is of a real card.



P.S: Before you accuse me of stealing Chaotix's booster template he has given me permission to use it!

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Looks pretty good! :D

Although the White around the Render could be removed' date=' still a Great piece of Art, and a Booster ^_^




You think so? I made the white on purpose. And i won't change it for this one as i forgot to save the render.


I can give you the yugioh!!!!!!! logo rendered :P

great booster


do not use templates cuz we need to see the background you used

logos position and most important... creativity :P cuz .... i mean Chaotix's boosters are perfect.


Great' date=' can you PM it to me? And thanks for commenting.


Not bad Jonas ^_^


Excellent use of Chaotix's template ^_^


Can't wait to see your final outcome ^__^


You called me Jonas! Some can learn i see! Anyway's thanks for your opinion!

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Try to make the render blend in with the background more.

The circle doesn't look to good, try making it stand out a bit more but still make it blend with the background.

Make the white stroke around the render smaller to 1 pix. I'm guessing you used 2 or maybe 3 on that.


I can'y really judge it yet coz it's unfinished and the text really effects ratings. So i'm gonna give it an 7/10 for the work so far.

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