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Dhpo here with the member tribute I was gonna make.


Remember that contest from a long time ago that I made? I can't find the card code, so I you still have it, send it.



Member Cards!




62275og1.jpg - Dhpo (Secret Rare)


This card can only be Special Summoned from your Graveyard. This card is also treated as a Dragon-type EARTH monster. Once per turn, you may Special Summon a monster from you or your opponent's Graveyard. That monster's effect is negated, loses 500 ATK and DEF, and is treated as a Zombie-type monster. The name of the Special Summoned monster is treated as "Dhpo Zombie Slave". This card cannot attack the turn it used its effect. When this card is destroyed, destroy all monsters Special Summoned by this card's effect.






62275rq3.jpg - Ancient Gear (Secret Rare)




This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summon by tributing 2 face-up Reptile-type monsters on your side of the field. Once per turn, you may decrease this card's ATK by 1000 to destroy all monster on the field, except this card. Then inflict 100 damage x the number of monsters destroyed by this card's effect to both players You may not conduct your Battle Phase this turn, and your opponent can Normal Summon twice this turn. Any Battle Damage involving this card is halved.






62275tb5.jpg - XEVILCl0wnX (Secret Rare)





This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summon by removing from play 1 face-up Fiend-type monsters on your side of the field. You may remove from play 1 Fiend-type monster from your Graveyard to remove from play any monster on the field that has less Original ATK than the ATK of the monster removed from play or any monster on the field that has less Original DEF than the DEF of the monster removed from play.






62275wu9.jpg - Epic Creator Mineku (Secret Rare)



62275vd3.jpg - Frohawkmaster (Secret Rare)



62275wj4.jpg - Kylarnatia, the Shadow Angel (Secret Rare)





This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summon by removing from play 1 LIGHT Fairt-type monster and 1 DARK Fiend-type monster from your Graveyard. This card is also treated as a DARK Fiend-type monster. Once per turn, you may activate the following effects.

* Remove from play 1 LIGHT-Fairy monster in your Graveyard to Special Summon 1 monster who's level is the same as the removed from play monster paid for this effect.

*Remove from play 1 DARK Fiend-type monster in your Graveyard to remove from play 1 face-up monster who's level is the same as the removed from play monster paid for this effect.





62275hn1.jpg - Dylangohan1 (Secret Rare)






If this card is in Attack Position, it is also treated as a Warrior-type monster. If this card is in Defense Position, it is also treated as a Zombie-type monster. Once per turn, by discarding 1 card from your hand and removing it from play, remove from play the top card of your opponent's Deck. While in Defense Position, apply Battle Damage normally. When this card is destroyed in Defense Position, Special Summon this card in the End Phase in Defense Position. When this card is destroyed while in Attack Position, remove from play this card to removed from play the card that destroyed this card.





62275dy3.jpg -lordoftheangelicbeasts (Secret Rare)






Member Tributes made by other people


Made by - Maxscool! 123745pi8br8.jpg (user says - founded on Google) for - Maxscool!



You may PM me a member card of someone else (3 stars or higher) I will evaluate the card and decide if its good enough to enter the Member Tribute.


(You MUST give Credit and Permission if required)


Card Cost - FREE!! (Sorry, can't hollow) but you may Rep me if wanted.


(NOTE - You may also make a set, but that cost 5 points for the set. The card alone is free. The set cost 5 points and is optional)

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