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Guilty Gear: Heaven & Hell Card Set (59/???) [NEW CARDS ADDED!]


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Well, this is one of the sets I have been working on for some time and I'm hoping to show the completed set soon since I'm still working on this set. I'm hoping that I can get some reception on how the cards are as well as knowing if any of the cards so far are overpowered or just plain useless. Well, here are all my completed cards and I hope you enjoy it!


[spoiler=Monster cards]180062uz0.jpg180062la9.jpg180062au4.jpg180062oh5.jpg180062xp5.jpg180062ja1.jpg180062ec3.jpg180062yf0.jpg180062dq1.jpg180062ea9.jpg180062ye3.jpg180062sa6.jpg180062nu8.jpg180062ca8.jpg180062nv2.jpg180062os8.jpg180062cm6.jpg180062kc8.jpg180062lk6.jpg180062da0.jpg180062bx4.jpg


[spoiler=Spell cards]180062zc8.jpg180062qm4.jpg180062jv3.jpg180062sx6.jpg180062az8.jpg180062pd6.jpg180062iq4.jpg180062ff9.jpg180062cd0.jpg180062su3.jpg180062bl8.jpg180062sh4.jpg180062ee3.jpg180062kx5.jpg180062ow3.jpg180062xy1.jpg180062vq8.jpg180062xo9.jpg180062be0.jpg180062lq7.jpg180062lz5.jpg180062lq4.jpg180062rx9.jpg180062aj9.jpg180062fi1.jpg


[spoiler=Trap cards]180062wr3.jpg180062hi8.jpg180062ej2.jpg180062uw9.jpg180062ig5.jpg180062sp7.jpg180062pz5.jpg180062pz1.jpg180062vk1.jpg180062cn2.jpg180062kb2.jpg180062eo9.jpg180062ne3.jpg



All images, names, and characters are owned by their respective artist and creator, I do not have any ownership of them. Guilty Gear and characters are owned by Daisuke Ishiwatari and Sammy Games. Images are taken from photobucket, deviantart, and guiltygear.ru.

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Thanks for the comments guys. Edited post to include 10 new cards: 4 monsters, 5 spell cards, and 1 trap card. What I'll try to do is update this whenever I have 10 or more cards finished and ready to go since I might forget about them while making the rest of the set.


As always, comments and criticisms are welcome, since I want to make the set as the best as it can be. Thanks and enjoy!


P.S.-Sorry for not posting often, it's just that my card-making is stealing me away from the board. It's controlling me...

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Once again, thanks for the comments. It really helps me make these cards and I'm glad you are all enjoying them.


A big edit this time, 14 cards have been added: 4 Monsters, 6 Spells, 4 Traps. Hope you like the new additions!


Also, does anyone know some more good image sites? I'm having some difficulty finding good card images and I was just wondering if anybody has some more image sites I can go search around. Thanks and again, enjoy!

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