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Dark Paladin Deck

Aaron Keeling

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Apprentice Magician:2

Buster Blader:3

Beaker the Magical Warrior:1

Dark Eradicator Warlock:1

Dark Magician:3

Dark Magician Girl:2

Maiden of Macabre:1

Magical Marionette:1

Magician's Valkyria:2

Mysterious Gaurd:1

Mythical Beast Cerberus:1

Old Vindictive Magician:1

Royal Magicial Library:1

Skilled Dark Magician:2

Skilled White Magician:2

Sorcerer of Dark Magic:1



Big Bang Shot:1

Dark Magic Attack:1

Dark Magic Curtain:1

Diffusion Wave-Motion:1

Emblem of Dragon Destroyer:1

Future Fusion:1

Mage Power:2

Magical Dimension:2


Pot of Avarice:1

Sage's Stone:1

Swords of Revealing Light:1



Assault on GHQ:1

Magician's Circle:1

Miracle Restoring:1

Pitch-Black Power Stone:2



Dark Paladin:3

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You're doing it wrong. No Prisma. No Allure of Darkness. Polymerization over Fusion Gate.


Build something like this instead.


Extra Deck: 3


3x Dark Paladin


Monsters: 22


3x Dark Magician

2x Buster Blader

2x Skilled Dark Magician

2x Magician's Valkyria

3x Elemental Hero Prisma

1x Elemental Hero Stratos

1x Breaker the Magical Warrior

3x Apprentice Magician

2x Old Vindictive Magician

2x Crystal Seer

1x Sangan


Spells: 14


3x Allure of Darkness

2x Reinforcement of the Army

2x Terraforming

3x Fusion Gate

1x Monster Reborn

1x Brain Control

1x Heavy Storm

1x Mystical Space Typhoon


Traps: 5


1x Torrential Tribute

1x Mirror Force

3x Solemn Judgment


Dark Bribe, Bottomless Trap Hole, Raigeki Break, Phoenix Wing Wind Blast, Magic Drain, Threatening Roar and Compulsory Evacuation Device can be used instead of Solemn Judgment if you lack them.


Lightning Vortex, Fissure, Smashing Ground or even Hammer Shot can be used if you dont have Mirror Force.


Hand Destruction is the favorable option if you dont have Allure of Darkness.


Prisma is there to add speed to the Deck by eliminating potential dead draws and Stratos not only searches Prisma but is also a reasonably reliable beatstick.


Of the Skilled Magicians, the only one you really need is Skilled Dark Magician. It runs over pretty much every Level 4 or lower Monster that gets in your way. Being able to summon Dark Magician in merely a bonus.


Apprentice Magician gives you more efficient access to Old Vindictive Magician since it basically cancels out the slowness of Flip Effect Monsters by summoning it straight to the field and allowing use of it as soon as possible which is a very good thing. Apprentice Magician also gives you access to Crystal Seer which is added draw power.

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