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reanimation (the REAL zombie deck) new and improved

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3x Red-eyes zombie dragon

2x Il bud

2x Ryu Kokki

1X goku-en

3x Zombie master

3x Pyramid turtle

3x mezuki

2x paladin of the cursed dragon

2x goblin zombie

1x morphing jar



3x Zombie world

3x Book of life

2x terraforming

1x Card of safe return

1x heavy storm

1x MST

1x brain control



3x solemn

3x threatning roar

1x mirror force

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... this is not a real zombie deck...


needs allures ' date=' ryko/trooper,BFDD, DAD, PSZ, and other things i cant think of at the moment.


First I'll start by saying, YES it is.

Next, I'll get enough benefits from my 2 card of safe returns EACH TURN so no allures are required.

Then, I'm preety sure ryko is a lightsworn, not a zombie. (I do realize the effect of zombie world too.)

Lastly DAD is good in DARK decks. Not zombie.

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i think you could use some field barriers to make sure that zombie world is safe. and as soon as you get pleaqespreader zombie and doomkaiser dragon from the soon to come crossroads of chaos you could put one of them in the deck too. just remove sangan because 3 pyriamid turtles is just fine.

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... this is not a real zombie deck...


needs allures ' date=' ryko/trooper,BFDD, DAD, PSZ, and other things i cant think of at the moment.


First I'll start by saying, YES it is.

Next, I'll get enough benefits from my 2 card of safe returns EACH TURN so no allures are required.

Then, I'm preety sure ryko is a lightsworn, not a zombie. (I do realize the effect of zombie world too.)

Lastly DAD is good in DARK decks. Not zombie.

Stop being bad at this game


If you deck out with Trooper' date=' your doing it wrong.


Card trooper still fails though so it don't matter.


People have the right to fail, stop overusing yours

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i think you could use some field barriers to make sure that zombie world is safe. and as soon as you get pleaqespreader zombie and doomkaiser dragon from the soon to come crossroads of chaos you could put one of them in the deck too. just remove sangan because 3 pyriamid turtles is just fine.

I like the idea but Zombie syncro wasn't really my theme, which was swarm.

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