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Bleach Role Play: Shinigami's Wrath |RP killed| |Lock!|

Chaotic Angel

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Ron: Half of my left came off. I can cope with one wing.


Ron then rips his left wing off, then he releases mental power at the hollows.


Ron: RRRRwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!


Nick: Ron...


Yuki: No... HOW!?


Ron then tranforms into a true one winged angel. He spreads his two laser wings and charges at the hollows at MAX speed.

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OoC: Good, it's best if you didn't leave.


Ron: Mum, Dad.. Why? You always have to be the same for my siblings..


Yuki: Ron, they will die soon.. They have reached their life span.


Ron: I know, Yuki.. It's just..


Nick: Let's just go to your place..


Ron: OK..


Ron and the others set off to Ron's house.

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