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"Oh, right this way then....Enjoy the show!" The man stepped aside. The three walked into the theater.

"The ticket says something..." Atticus looked at it.

"Stick around for the show, you might find something interesting....."

"I hope you bought good seats..." Atticus joked.

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The show began. It was very dull in Atticus's opinion. He thought Axle fell asleep through the middle of it. It was very porly writtien.

"Whoever wrote these clues, I'm going to kill them..." Atticus muttered under his breath.

Atticus then shook Axle. "Axle wake up! Something's happening on stage!!" Shouted Atticus suddenly as he leaned forward out of his seat to see clearer,

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The cast all came on stage and sang a song.


Attention racers! Congradulations for making it this far! Are you ready for you're next clue?! Well you came to the right place. LOOK FOR THE GREEN LADY, SHE'LL POINT YOU THE WAY! LOOK FOR THE GREEEEEEEEN LADY! ONCE YOU DO, SHE'LL POINT YOU THE WAY!!!!! This is the last clue! The Last clue, good luck, I'll see you soon!!!!!" . The curtain them fell, and the audience arround them applauded. They really thought that was part of the show.

"That was the wierdest ending to a play I have ever seen." Atticus said, freaked out a bit.

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The cast all came on stage and sang a song.


Attention racers! Congradulations for making it this far! Are you ready for you're next clue?! Well you came to the right place. LOOK FOR THE GREEN LADY' date=' SHE'LL POINT YOU THE WAY! LOOK FOR THE GREEEEEEEEN LADY! ONCE YOU DO, SHE'LL POINT YOU THE WAY!!!!! This is the last clue! The Last clue, good luck, I'll see you soon!!!!!" [/i']. The curtain them fell, and the audience arround them applauded. They really thought that was part of the show.

"That was the wierdest ending to a play I have ever seen." Atticus said, freaked out a bit.



"G-green lady?" Rina said looking around. "Yeah, see, I don't like green ladies very much... Ever since that Halloween..."


"Rina!" yelled her grandma wearing a green zombie woman's costume. "Come here! I want to SHOW you something!"

Rina's grandmother pulled a fake brain out of her head. Rina ran off screaming. "It's FAKE, Rina!"


Rina shivered.

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"I think you're right again' date='" Atticus said. "We need to get to the Statue fast!" Atticus said quickly.

"To the Taxi...again....I'm running out of pocket change...."



Rina just stared into space, thinking about green ladies (Her grandma's costume) "Yeah, when I learned the Statue of Liberty was green, I never went there."


OOC: Rina has a lot against the color green apparently.

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