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Cloudian related Thread Subject


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This time, I R goin' to make Cloudian-Related cards. Ok?

Cloudians are awesome.


So here is card #1 of this thread:


Effect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be special summoned by tributing 1 "Cloudian - Eye of the Typhoon". This card cannot be destroyed by battle. If this card is in face-up Defence Position, destroy it. If this card attacks a monster, And if its in Defence Position, Switch it to attack position(If its face-down, flip it face-up). At that time, The attacked monster's effect is negated and it cannot be destroyed as a result of battle until the end of the damage step. Then, For each interval of 700 damage inflicted, Place 1 Fog Counter on the attacked monster.


The whole "Geyser Titan" idea was from my friend.

We were discussing wheather or not a Geyser Titan is Cloudian - Eye of the Typhoon. So, One thing led to another, And here we are today. Plus, Its effect was either that or a a 'Place 1 counter on each monster' sort of thing. But since Eye of the Typhoon has a position change effect, I went with that.


Image © Runescape/Runescape Wiki

Background is from google.

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