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DBZ The Aftermath started [still accepting by PM]


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Jeovra was sleaping out side and his other self was talking to him in his dream

Jeovra(light):"Come on You know why we are her. to balance back the dark and light."

Jeovra(Dark:"Yes but i don't care. We are more powerful when we work together lets just take over this planet already."

Jeovra(light):"I will only do that when light overpowers the dark."

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Jeovra(Light) voice:"We can here you."

(dark):"Yes , and you got it all wrong. "

(light):"I am the light or balance, but i want to balance out the dark and light power, if that means i have to completely destroy the good in the world i will do so."

(Dark):"The terrorist comment was a insult. I am the person who doesn't care if light or dark are over powered i just like to fight, you can call me the dark, or Chaos."

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i think you misunderstood me, if you notice all terrosits try to clensed the world of what they deem imperfect or wrong, fighting for the hell of it is not terrorist, destroying or wanting to destroy a community because it did not fit your ideals is, that i wouldn't mind if it wasn't for the split personality thing, given that you are almost complete opposites, if one side is our ally, the other is our arch enemy, therefore allowing you to ally with us can be extremely dangerous. i still apologize, if that means anything though

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(Dark):"No we understood you,W e are close to exact opposite, I just don't care at all... I am not trying to clensed the world i just like To kill My partner cares about it all to much. Balancing the power between dark and light even if he has to kill the peopple that are pure of heart, or black as Coal. We just happen to only agree when my partner want to kill people that are good."


(light):"Why do you think i Want to fight you when i was in control. You had to much power for a few days. So i came down here to balance it out. We are two different peopple sharing the same body, I can explain how it happened, how we shared the same body, but that would take to long."

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Jeovra(Dark):"No that would be a bad idea' date=' [u']he is the one controlling the supernova power in me[/u]. Besides leaving him in this body would be a bad idea. i was thinking Tiger DNA."




Jeovra(Dark):"So you are trying to kill us all. I have said this many time before, my power can't be controlled with out him, , but he can not use it with out me. It is like yin and yang, with out one the other wont exist."

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