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DBZ The Aftermath started [still accepting by PM]


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(( Um...his name is Axle, but the people called him Comuteza, since that is his last name...and um...I'm not quite sure...but isn't that GodModding a bit? You blocked off all of his Ki use and didn't even give me a chance to have him fight back...and now you are going to turn him into an Android without my permission and there is no way my character can fight back... ))

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(( Appearance: hotguy1.jpg


Bio: Saiyans. That's what he found out what they were and what they were called. He is different from most Humans. His family wa smurdered by evil and ruthless Saiyans. Now, he is going around, hunting down Saiyans. He is stronger than most humans, and is able to take on a Saiyan and might actually win.


Gender: Male


Race: Human


Age: 16


Attacks(You can make up your own attacks):


Bullet Mouth:

The user's cheeks puff up as he/she gathers ki into each cheek. When the attack if fully ready the user lets out tons of small powerful balls made out of ki. It;s normally only used when despret because it takes alot of Ki and injurs users mouth alot.


Destructo Disk



Ki Boomerang:

User gathers their Ki into the shape of a Boomerang. User than decides on how to use the boomerang.


The Cerbrus:

A move that Axle made up himself. He gathers all of his energy to his hands. He raises both hands in the air and puts them together. He then throws his hands out and a Cerbrus made of Ki comes out of them, at the opponet. The Cerbrus can stay out up to 10 minutes. During this time, it is still connected to Axle's hand and he can not use any other Ki attacks. When the Cerbrus disappeares, Axle will pass out for an unknown amount of time.


Fight Style:


Agressive Dodgeful




Axle Comuteza


That's all of Axle's information. Oh, and Darkneo, that's another thing...you just knocked out my character without giving him a chance to fight back ))

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A pound is heard at the entrace to the android-saiyan's cave. Majre broke down the rock door, and walked in slowly.


Majre...Um, sorry...


Lee had a shocked looked on his face, but he and some other man continued to work at a metal table. There appeared to be a body on it.


Majre:...We have about eleven minutes to get out of the city, just to let you all know...I got bored waiting, and sorta...blew up a school...

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Bio: Nova and his sister was best friends. But his sister became evil and destroyed her father and her mother. Nova want to destroyed his sister and stop her evil ways.


Gender: Male


Race(Human, Saiyan, Namekian.): Saiyan




Attacks(You can make up your own attacks):kamehameha, destructo disc, Sun Flare( a Large energy blast ), Blaster Shell, Gigantic Press Gigantic Meteor, Explosive Wave, Eraser Cannon, Garlic Gun, Nova Shines( Like the Final Flash but red and do it with one hand), Final Shine Attack, Ultimate move: Nova Wave( A massive energy ball)


Fight Style: Shell


Name: Nova Zone

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OOC: Who, me??




Majre stared at the pile of rocks that used to be the door. He fired a ki blast at the ceilign above it, and several rocks cascaded into place.


Majre:...There, happy??...Is it just me, or am i getting more social??


Majre stared at the table, completely ignoring the other man.


Majre: What the hell is this crap??


OOC: When Majre hits SS$, not only will he get that attack Heritage Wave, but he will DEFINITELY be more social. And by social, i mean loud, obnoxious, and evil. ;)

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OOC: 'k! :D


Majre:...Extremidy...Huh. Do we really need a robot to our handiwork? Give me a chance to go Super Saiyan, and we'll...dominate...


Majre started to gather energy from the darkness in the cave around him. It was just enough to spur a slight hint of yellow energy around his body, and his hair and eyes began to change color. All of a sudden, a gust of wind broke out, and the glow was more intense than ever. His hair was a dark gold, his eyes green.




OOC: I'll have the drawing of SS Majre up soon.


@ Dark Prince: You are already here. If you read the plot, you got here as a baby a while ago. Please stick with the format.

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"Impressive, but sadly nothing to my power." ~Lee satrted to gather power and went SS2.He was much bigger gold hair and charcoal eyes.~ "Not enogh yet." ~Lee then went SS4.Midnight black hair ruby red eyes and a tail[also midnight black].~ "See the ultimate sayian.And lets start with the androids then do the real damage ourselves.The androids are just to spread fear."

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not this one, I'm designing it, and that will mean it has more power than you can comprehend, expectially since in my universe most of our technology doesn't exist in your world He continue working on Extremidy so far you can tell he has weapons allover the inside of his body, also only his brain and organs having to do with ki are left intact the others are replaced with a system using a mysterious kind of greenish-gold liquid that Roscuro produced, Also i hate to be the beare of bad news, but this might take me a day or so, i have to install 500 different combat systems, a AI, and several other things that if works well, will essentially turn Extremidy into a one man army, in the mean time you should go conquer something and you Majire here is a military base for a terrorist group, kill them to eliminate our opposition hands Majire the card and continues to work on Extremidy taking a bottle labeled poison and applying it to the 10 knives on its hands

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