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ooc its that A in the post reply button


Pathetic Roscuro said appearing behind Gagara using the all useful Instant Transmission Judging from your HPL (hidden power level: the maximum power level you have) my dog can beat you. Roscuro takes some orange powder and sprinkle it on Gagara, this binds Gargara's ki and makes him drop like a stone. By the way, I was ignoring you


ooc: Roscuro's dog is like Omega Shernron fused with Great Ape Baby, then at super sayain 5 he can obliterate the universe, so yes he is way stronger than you, and allot cuter too. The powder Roscuro used is a special blend ofki charged particles that Roscuro uses to prevent Ki use, negating flight, super sayain, AND all energy blasts

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Geri:"The powder taste good what did you make it out of."

OoC: Geri doesn't use Ki to create his attacks he is living energy. he creates physical master(The star) and uses the stars energy. Flight is a little bit different, and his energy blasts are actually physical mater he creates from the star shaping it the releasing it. my favorite one he is not even a sayain. Jeovra is, Geri is not.

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"Dam You I'll Get rid of this seal soon...","But now you die!" Gagara grabs Roscuro's leg and throws Roscuro and then releases lots of little ki blast cannons on the ground targeting Roscuro, "DIE!..." Gagara shouts as he releases more cannons then runs back to his base...

"MINIONS!" Gagara shouts

"Yes master?" Minioin A says

"TAKE THIS DAMN THING OFF MY BACK" Gagara shouts "Yes...Sir!" Minion A says as the plugs in a machine then Quickly takes it off.

"Dam Roscuro and his little Applecitous seal" Gagara whispers...

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OOC: I already canceled your ki before


Now I'm ticked, Radish Death Beam using a read version of the Death Beam Roscuro destroys the machine killing the minion and reapplying the seal in the process Sorry but if your to fight him you're not going to be allowed to transform.

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Geri:"THis will be fun."

Jenovra:" My turn to take over the body."

he walked down and placed his hand on Gagara back.


Jenovra: "Super Sayan is all right but the KI is to much."

Jenovra bonded his energy with Gagara KI.

Jenovra:"My energy is different then KI you will be able to use your ki attacks know because my energy is messing with his effect on you, but you still cant go Super Sayan." he turned towards Roscuro."

HE jumped back to watch the fight.


Geri:"I like when you cause chaos."

Jenovra:"No i am balincing the scale. know it is a fair fight."

Geri:But you cause chaos for Roscuro."

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A calm spring day in the mountains, the birds are singing, and the sun is bright! A large and wide mountain stood in this field and it has been there since time could tell! A mysterious man runs to this mountain and punches it, shattering it to pieces. "The awesomely powerful Omushiba is here to train mountain, so you have to make some space." Omushiba said with a smirk on his face...

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ooc: you mean on the world right cause I'm pretty sure I'm not near you


Omushiba made his way to a huge boulder. He crouched down to the bottom of the boulder and through it into the air. "Time to test my new technique..." He readied his fast and charged a massive amount of energy into it, like 95% of his total energy. He lunged into the air and punched straight at the boulder. "Hellfire..." The boulder disintegrated into a wave of very tiny pebble like rocks. Omushiba landed on the ground, back first, and was tired out already. "Dang, it's still not giving me the results I need for it to be a great technique..." Omushiba said as he tried to stand up, but could barely do it...

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