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DBZ The Aftermath started [still accepting by PM]


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~Lee went his highest sayian. His hair shimmering with silver. His robotic muscles bursting out of his skin. Floating there he built up power luanched himself at Polarous and grabed him then disappeared. Making a larger impact further down the canyon.~ "Why did you come after me and him?"

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Geri:"Dont do that."


Polarous:"That didn't hurt. The only way to stop that attack is to doge it. any thing else it will go threw. it was build to take strength from stronger opponent."


Gerran behind Polarous:"Super Nova."

Energy form the objects around him started to form in as well as energy form the sun. as unleashed all of it,but lee was not hurt because he was in front of Polarousand the blast didn't go threw him.

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"During my tranning I learned a ne move.Skull Smasher!" ~Lee grabbed Polarous's head brought up some energy then launched both of them twaord the Earth.~ "You wil die!!!!" ~Once Polasrous's head hit the ground Lee shot him with a one hended Super Kamehemeha wave.~

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Polarous:"Giga control."

The wave turned to a ball as he was pushing it back.

Geri went up to Lee.

Geri:"Your Force behind your attach was drained when you adsorbed his attack Neutron Star, but the energy is still there."

the star he created by earth(couple of posts back) flowed over to his hands.

as he threw it down to earth.

The star merged with the Super Kamehemeha wave and started Exploding with power.

Geri:"Neutron wave"

Polarous filed he stopped the wave with broke and blasted with the full power of there attacks.

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