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DBZ The Aftermath started [still accepting by PM]


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As Ra'zac looked out of his hidden cave he said to himself I must find the leader here and fast

Ra'zac trun around to find his army of highly trained soldiers ready to fight the king and his army. He then trun and jumped on his Darkness dragon raised his sword and commanded his army to attack the caslte of the king. His dragon then jumped out the cave door and he and his army was on their way to the caslte.

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Ra'zac then jumps out of the shadows of the home of Lee dagger right in font of him his dagger to his neck ready for the kill.


Ra'zac: Do u have the things I have asked for Lee, if not be ready for a fight my men are all over the place.Now hand over the map to my new home the "City Of Gold ",which is in the midder of this planet. It just happen to be perfect for me and my men.

Ra'zac: "Also the suppies i need for my troops and dragon. The rest of u go about your business PLEASE"

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Roscuro looks out the window. Lee check this out. Are those guys friends of yours. Shows Lee Ra'zac and his huge army. Or can I send the andriod swarm at them? Please?



OOC: Roscuro can make Hyperbolic Time Chambers, a power he abused when upgrading the base so he can build armies of robots in an hour or so due to his lab being a hyperbolic time chamber within a hyperbolic time chamber.

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"Wow your good. But not good enough." ~Lee uses a quick spin kick to knock the blade away.~ "Roscuro use what ever you can, that wont stop our plans, to defeat the oher one." ~Lee then puts his hand around Ra'zac's neck at held him up off his feet against the wall.~ "Get somethin straight , I dont play around. Icould eaisly kill you now but you seem to be of a use to me. Your weapon upgrades are not neccesary. Their is only one thing i require. Full control of your army; and your allegiance. I will allow you to make your base with the city of gold, and countinue your plans but at my command. Deal?" ~ Lee pulls up an energy blast in his hands. Staring in his eyes with so much hatred.~

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Jeovra(light):"The unbalance I sensed before. It was here."

Jeovra(Dark):"You just said Lee was the unbalance between dark and light. "

Jeovra(light):"I thought it was him, but i was wrong the light is the unbalanced one in this world. So we must destroy the light. We will have to find the body later."

Jeovra walked out of the worm hole behind Lee.


Jeovra(Dark):"My partner and I are agreeing on one thing know Lee. That man that just walked threw here must be destroyed. And so must be the people that obey him."

Jeovra rose his hand up as a energy ball formed in to his hand, as he threw it up in the air.

Jeovra(Dark):" star spike Beam"


Jeovra caught the ball on the edge of his hand.


Jeovra(Dark):"Lee I would move out of the way of the Beam. It wont kill him, but it should hurt like Hell.”

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Ra'zac:ok ok but on one thing has to b clean you may be my leader but i control my army, and it's resourse. ok


As he pushes off lee's hands and picks up his sword,


"So commander what is your piding master" Ra'zac says with a cold anger in his voice." But before i can do anything for you my men and i must have our city first to perpair.

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