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[NO WAI] A splice of all 493 pokemon!!!!! 5/493 so far!!! [NO WAI]


Do you think I'm doing good?  

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  1. 1. Do you think I'm doing good?

    • It's great, I really like it, please continue!
    • Seems good, go for it!
    • It's OK
    • Good luck [/sarcasm]
    • >_>_>_>_>_>

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It doesn't feel right for me to critique something is not done yet, I'll still do it though, trying my best. As it stands, there are some problems, even while ignoring the fact that it lacks a head. On the leaves is some ugly left over blue from Ivysaur. The yellow ring on the bulb don't look right at all. The arms/leg things are going on the weirdest of angles and the bottom right one has some broken borders. Colors are all mixmatched and could use some recoloring. A flame coming off of a grass thing makes no sense.


Now the things I've said are just tips really at this point. I know my comment about the ilogical plant+fire is kind of pointless sense mixing over 400 pokemon, you'll have little chance. As it is so far though, I am finding it hard to believe that you'll make it to the top. Really I would find it doubtful that you can make it to 150. This isn't just because I think you don't have the skills. I just don't know how well it will work.


A splice of this magnitude will require at least one feature from each pokemon. That mean the image itself will be huge, specially at the rate it's going already. There is also the issue with things like evolution chains. There are very few things different between a pidgey and pidgeotto, and they themselves have very few defining features to take. Ditto is a good example of a featurless Pokemon. Things like that will force you to sloppy things. If you do get it up to even 150, I can see it having 10 different wings, 20 different legs, and multiple heads. This isn't neccessarely bad, but along the lines of "qualaty", it might not be that great.


Another big hurdle you'll be hitting is colors. If you don't recolor, this thing will end up being a bleading mess. If you do recolor, things will look weird in other ways, and lightsources and stuff will all have to be changed. So chances are you won't be able recolor it, dropping qualaty more.


Managing this will also be tough. Keeping track of the whole body at all times, adding in hundreds of pieces constantly, you'll have a hard time keeping things neet and tidy.


Overall I'm saying this project is going to be hard, long, and will probably only appeal to people due to its feet and dedication, and very little into the actual qualety and skill involved. If accomplished though, I'm sure everyone will still agree it's very impressive.

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