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Gravatize... no, better yet, Manga Slash me Cappin!


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Okay, there are two decks. 1st deck tries to Theme the the two dragons, The 2nd deck Techs the two Dragons.[spoiler=Method to the Madness]In case the tittle was not clue enough for this madness, i will of course be attempting to build a deck around Gravi Crush, and Magna Slash dragon. Now both of these cards have great effects, the only problem is 1. They are Tributes, and 2 require you to send Continuous Spell cards (That if you deck any, you obviously planned on using them) to the graveyard.


The problem i had with this deck was to use continuous spell cards that wouldn't hurt me at all, whether i used it or not. So it came down to the following:


Blaze Accelerator

Messenger of Peace

Swords of Concealing Light


Dark World Grimoire

Burden of the Mighty And...

Get your Game on!


Of course i chose Blaze Accelerator. It kills monsters, and It its easily searchable.



[spoiler=Deck 1]

Monsters: 21

2x Manga Slash Dragon

1x Gravi crush Dragon

3x Volcanic shell

3x Volcanic Counter

3x Ryko

2x Necro Guardna

3x Volcanic Rocket

1x Sangan

1x Snipe Hunter

1x Breaker

1x Spirit Reaper


Spells: 14

3x Allure

2x Blaze Accelerator

2x Messenger of Peace

2x Foolish Burial

2x burial from the different Dimension

1x Heavy Storm

1x Monster Reborn

1x Brain Control




1x Torrential

1x Mirror force

2x Threatening Roar


Extra Deck: 15

(Standard Extra Deck)




[spoiler=Deck 2]

Monsters: 21

3x Malicious

1x Diamond Dude

1x Stratos

3x Volcanic shell

3x Volcanic counter

3x Ryko

2x Necro Guardna

1x Breaker

1x Snipe Hunter

2x Volcanic Rocket

1x Gravi Crush Dragon


Spells: 14

3x Allure

2x D.Draw(if Metagame is telling the truth about Dark Legacy)

2x Blaze Accelerator

2x Burden of the Mighty

1x Rota

1x Charge of the Light Brigade

1x Heavy Storm

2x burial from the different dimension


Traps: 5


2x Bottomless

1x Torrential




Once Again, Do what ever, and please... If you leave a Fix, let me know which deck you are talking about.

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