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s-CRY-ed the Beginning of New Alter Users ~finished~

Esplin 9466 Primary

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Ava arm came off

Ava:"Remember when my arm got torn off, Ya It can Remove it by will and malo can move it because of the iron in my blood. So black joker!"

RE: s-CRY-ed the Beginning of New Alter Users ~Continued~


ooC:other power he got from the crystal, the only two anyone can get.


Avas arm floated towards the energy ball and turned to a drill. it drilled a small hole threw the energy ball and the energy Ava was firing went threw it and slammed in to Zak chest.

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OoC:it is not speed, what i am taliking about is concentration.


Talo did a bair hug arnd Zak legs.


Talo entire body Shout out Alter energy.

Talo:"It should be fair know i told you it had a diffrent effect on many people. this one cancles out his alter power, but i can only do it at his legs."


Zak arms and legs were no longe fused.

Talo:"Know to give him pain."

Malo suronded Talo and Ava

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Tom: I meant about healing you, Zak to bad you are passed out. I'm not much into fighting. I have a friend showing up soon, I hope you guys will be polite or show some manners. I should call her to find out where she is. *pulls out a cell phone and starts dialing, then hears a ringing sound in the woods* Ah she's almost here acording to that noise. I might as well wait outside for her.

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