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s-CRY-ed the Beginning of New Alter Users ~finished~

Esplin 9466 Primary

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Ellen: *siting on the porch at tom's house*

I cant belive you dident stop him from going, he's been gon for so long,

And why didn't he take me with him.


~At the rocky area~

Zak: *standing in a fighting stance with shattered rock's everywhere & kakorot in front of him*

I never thought i would get this strong, man if i keep this up you'll be the one who gets hurt when we merge.


Kakorot: don't get cocky.

*jumps in the air & brings his fist down trying to hit zak*


Zak: *jumps back & skid's on the ground*

I'm not.

*Charges at kakorot & hits him square in the face*


Kakorot: *Gets knocked over but quickly recovers*

I'm still stronger than you, but i think its safe to say that you'll barely feel the merging effect's*

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Tom: He will be back ellen, just let him come back on his own.

Jane: you should go see how he is doing.

Tom: If I did find him, I would get in the way of his training.

Jane: Oh, you're right about that. I would have never thought he would be training for this long with out saying anything.

Tom: That's Zak for you. By the way I still have more power than you even if you train hard enogh to keep up. If I merge then you are no match for me unless you train more with your alter.

Jane: I figured as much. you do take it easy on me sometimes, I can tell when you do.

tom: I still keep one level above you when we train to let you progress easily.

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Zak: *Appears in front of tom's house*

Hey, hows it going everybody?


Ellen: ZAK!!!

*Jumps on Zak & starts hitting him*


Zak: somehow i new this would happen.

*gently pushers her away*

relax, I'm staying for good this time.

*toses tom a bag of money*

that should cover the rent seance Ive been gone.

(in the bag is $700)

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