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s-CRY-ed the Beginning of New Alter Users ~finished~

Esplin 9466 Primary

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Ooc: that was Necrom not Shade

Ic: "I did but after I masterd merge I had no worries and me and Dramdor became great friends in the prosses as did Dracis and Shade when they trained it helps when you have a strong conectution with your alter and when you train to your limits every day or so thats how I did it, but I gusse you can always chiken out and never learn the yure power that your alter has." Necrom said tring to couch Zak into training

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Tom: good, now we can help him. I'll carry him to the maze and put him in the middle of it wit my teleportation form *changes into teleprtation orm and teleports zak to the center of the maze* I'll leave him a note so he knows were e is and give him a hint on how to get out even tough it will be a riddle. *writes note saying: "this is the maze in the cave, you are in the heart of it. Watch you step, and pace your self. Those walls are indestrutcable.

PS: don't merge with your alter nor use him because you wont be able to move."* I'll set it on him. *teleports back to where Necrom was*

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Tom: *teleport to the front of his house and changes back into human form* This is going to be one heck of a show. *walks in* Jane, Ellen, do you want to watch a show of Zak in training in the maze? Necrom, Shade, Dracis, and Dramdor are coming over to watch it with me. They'll be here any minute.

Jane: sure, I don't mind. as long as it's something to pass the time.

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Tom: he should have steped on the stone.

*all of the sudden after zak steps on the other side on the out of place stone he step on a different switch that causes the maze changes and Zak is back in the middle*

Tom: I made tat stone to trick people to not step of it. If he had he woud have seen where the rest of the traps were on the path for 40 steps farther.

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Tom: thankyou. once in a while I step on that because I forget about it, only after the maze keeps changing after someone steps on it unortunatly. there are also a few that look the same, but are traps that cause a jet of fire to burst down the path for a few minutes or a rain of arows that only shoot out one layer each time you step on the switch.

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