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The Pokémon Village [Born Again] 47 Members and counting!

Zack Blaze

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Pikachu' date=' I vote you as a new leader, if not, Felix. You are both very... Pokémoney.


Darn, no codes...



Too bad, I'm already leader of one. If you wish, I could ask Raven to have some, arrangements [/sarcasm]


But yes, this club needs a total redo.


p.s Mond, Pikachu IS epic. Thanks for pointing it out.

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dEMONIa' date=' I lmao'ed at your comment!!


Yea, we totally need a new leader.

I got an idea, we can Poll that!!

Oh, and Pikachu, Pikachu is totally Epic!


I really didn't say this!!! I was definitely unconscious!


thank you, i take pride in my funny comments.


so... now that he is offline lets find a new leader!

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I fooled you guys' date=' I was messing around. And if I do pick a Co-Leader it will probably be someone who I know can be responsible.



so... not being active in your own club for a bout two weeks was an act? then i meant nothing what i said, but...


[spoiler=for digi's eyes only!]

God Duelist tried to make keude ruafskgvhv or whatever his name is the leader



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