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Warcraft RPG sign-up thread


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Hello all! Windpepper here with my first ever RP! It is a Warcraft universe based roleplay so you should know at least a little abut the universe to participate. The RP will be rated PG-13 for graphical violence and mild language(If you so chose). This RP will take place during the current period of time in WoW, which means Arthas is starting to cause problems and there is still war between the Horde and Alliance characters.


Alright, now you can learn about the classes you can be.


Mages are generally avid readers (from what I've seen), and quite intelligent. They take their magic seriously, and indulge, usually, in either fire or ice.


Shamans and druids are, obviously, attune with nature and earth, and usually are mild-mannered pacifists.


Priests are commonly helpful and live to assist the weaker and the wounded. Like shamans/druids, most that I have seen are pacifists.


Hunters are usually extremely observant, and share a shamanistic love of animals. That, or they are can be actually very cruel to their pets. It all depends on the personality.


Paladins are simply more aggressive priests. They are fiercer in battle, and unlike priests, they are more defensive in their fights.


Warriors are the most flexible, to me. Their personality usually isn't derived from their class, though they are, of course, warriors, and built to fight. They are generally shameless in their killing.


Warlocks are supposedly power-hungry, sadistic people whose only goal is to gain more and more power from others. Commonly the most selfish class.


Rogues are very quiet, sneaky, and ruthless, taking the kill from behind instead of facing their foes. In both ways, they are back-stabbers



That was your available classes. Now for the races.





Human-Just like regualar old humans.


Night elves-Blue skinned elves of the continent of Kalimdor.


Dwarves-A little shorter and much more muscular humanoids.


Gnomes-Very small humanoids.


Dranaei-Space-aliens. google them. I'm not kidding.




Orc-Greenskinned,muscular and angry.


Troll-Very tall blue or gray skinned humanoids with three fingers and two toes and large tusks jutting from their mouth.


Undead-Bleach white skinned intelligent zombies. Can be from any race.


Tauren-Tall bulllike creatures.


Blood elves-the enemy of the night elves, these were royal elves.


That of course was the races. In this RP you can be either an Alliance or a Horde character. in the first part of the roleplay the alliance players are preparing to depart for Northrend, and the horde characters are trying to eleminate the buring legion.


and now the final part. the setup.










Reason for going to northrend (if alliance):

My character:


Name:Waylonis Sharthank








Looks:Long black hair sometimes put into a warrior's ponytail, with a full beard.


Armor:Full plate-mail armor.


Weapon:A blade with dwarvish engraving on it and a standard steel shield.


Bio:Was born in Goldshire to a Stormwind ciy gaurd and a traviling baker. When he was 16 he joined the People's militia and quickly went through the ranks. He then started training in the ways of the light. He now is a member of the Alliance military and the guild,"Tharr's raiders".


Reason for going to northrend:tTo eleminate the death kight named Raouk.

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Name: Agaman Ragefury


Age: 32


Race: Orc


Class: Shaman


Looks: c9af_110.jpg

Armor: (Exactly like the picture)

Weapon: A fist weapon that looks like a double claw and a hidden one handed sword enderneath his animal leather sash.


Bio: Agaman Ragefury was born on Draenor into a clan warring with a band of ogres. He made his first kill long before the normal age of an orc's rite of passage, and was captured by the ogres to be used as a training tool for their youths. However, Reghar grew into a strong warrior, and after slaying many of their young fighters, was sold to the orc arenas in an attempt to recoup their loses.


Despite his young age, he was a superb warrior, and was chosen to participate in the orcs' invasion of Azeroth, leading to his eventual capture and internment. However, unable to subjugate him, the guards sold him as a gladiator to fight for the human, Lord Agrovane. He escaped and became a fighter in underground arenas, gaining riches and fame.

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