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Brittle Ice

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Sooo... we are talking about languages then.

in my old school it was compulsory to learn either Japanese or italian. I obviously chose Japan.

Also i'm going to Japan in a couple weeks so my dad is "making" me watch as much anime as possible, so i pick up the language b'cuz the rest of my family really suks at learning languages. and i pick stuff up easily. YAY ANIME!

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I Speak Spanish...we have one of the complexst grammar in the freaking word!!!!!!!!is terrible!!!! because we have 1 only Cr***y word for each thing, verbal times are too much and in each one you have to learn a whole neew structure....T_T

Takes you a whole life to learn to speak Spanish properly...


BTW Question!!!!I'm trying to post a tutorial (Not about Graphic desing), were do you think it should Go?

It' about how to make a DArk Synchro...

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So Chino' date=' are you Asian? Or you just learned a bit of Japanese?


How much I'd die to learn Japanese.


Why not get a holo and recolour from me...? >.>...



I'm Technically swedish (born on a plane over sweden, b'cuz my mum was stubborn and lied about being so preggo) But i was raised in britain until 2


Since then i live in Aus and we have LOTE as a compulsory subject until yr 10.

We can usually have the option of french itallian spanish or japanese.


OH NOES I GOT MY EXAM IN 10 MINS (woops caps lock) any ways i gotta go to school for 3 hours to fail at life now:(

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