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Brittle Ice

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Yep' date=' Strawberry has helped me too with [b']her[/b] criticism...


You got that part wrong in your post =P.


English is easy' date=' you just have to watch enough shows and read enough articles/books.



o.o? So... If I watched anime and read Japanese books, I would understand the whole Japanese language?


That is so wrong.


Lol... =P


It is' date=' but actually, I have more problems understanding Gimp's language =P



GIMP language = Failed n00b language.

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English is easy' date=' you just have to watch enough shows and read enough articles/books.



o.o? So... If I watched anime and read Japanese books, I would understand the whole Japanese language?


That is so wrong.



I'm pretty sure he means after you know the bassics.. all my friends that have a different lanuage then english as their first all say that they learned it from TV, Video Games and so on

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where'd you find them? i suck at photoshop and could use the help.






It is one of the sites...



not bad sig devil


new topic: whats is more epic yugioh original or yugioh 5d's?



original had more suspense' date=' but 5d's has zombie villains, so i'm gonna have to say 5d's[hr']



English is easy' date=' you just have to watch enough shows and read enough articles/books.



o.o? So... If I watched anime and read Japanese books, I would understand the whole Japanese language?


That is so wrong.


but you have to admit, english has far less depth than japanese, so the two are hard to compare

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5d's is doing something that no other yugioh anime has done. its bringing a group of people together who have to combine their strength to win instead of just one person. also, yusei loses sometimes, even in really serious duels. he's not perfect. original yugioh is awesome. and i mean AWESOME. i LOVE it. but 5d's is better simply because, even considering that its an anime about supernatural powers and childrens trading cards, it seems a little more real.

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GX was phail


5Ds is decent


Original was good.


yup GX was a big failure

5d's is great

original more than perfect


now if we were to compare the original yugioh MANGA with gx and 5d's anime, and the original anime, the manga blows all away. the ones that came before duelist, the ones that were (poorly) made as season zero, are my favorites by far. yami was great back then. so cocky and sadistic.

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