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:.Bronze Hat.:™

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Kyko: actually, with your Great Grandfather's Help, My Father was able to Wipe the Disease, but it returned a few Years later, and i was still infected all of those years, The Strain i still have cannot be killed as Easily as Killing a King, I'm Still Finding a Cure, but it is about as hard for it to Spread as it is to kill this Strain, I may look 45, but I had Caught this in 2017, 3 Years after i was Born,

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Ryu had been in a special testing lab, along with some scientists. One approached Ryu.


Scientist: "Sir, We've checked everything. The only thing we can get on a cure to Kyko's disease is a loved one dying, but that doesn't make much sense. however, if we can get a DNA sample, we can probably make a cure."


Ryu: "I'll go tell Kyko the good news."


Ryu trasnsforms into his half-breed form and speeds off after Kyko and Freeman.

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Then All of a Sudden, a White Harpy Flies over Freeman, and Spits out a small Yellow Ball of Energy


Undying Peace: Oh Shoot, I recognize her!


Undying Peace Shoots a Green Energy Beam at Kyko, Which Kyko Wakes up, but her Hair is still Blue


Eternal Pain(Kyko as Medium): Why did you interupt my Lunch!?

Undying Peace: We got Problems


Undying Peace Points at the Sky at the Harpy


Eternal Pain: Get in here!


Undying Peace Enters Kyko's Body, then her Hair Turns Red

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