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:.Bronze Hat.:™

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OoC: I'm off for one night and I miss 3 pages of stuff!


@ freeman43: We don't have too many weapons. We only have an emergency supplies of Star wars type-weapons.


@Ancient Gear: What the overpowered Yu-Gi-Oh card was that?! And I'm not blind!



Ryu had been asleep through most of this. He woke up and the head officer came in.


Head Officer: "Sir! Volf killed the guards and freed Kaze! They have weqapons of mass destruction! Also, Kyko is missing! Alos, some humans are trying to take over Alpha City!"


Ryu turns into his Half-Breed and heads toward the smuggler's base.


Ryu: "This is the only place with weapons of mass destruction."


Ryu goes into the smuggler's base.


Ryu: "Volf! You traitor!"


Ryu swings his axe at Volf.

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OoC: Strange, it says that he is going to an abandoned Factory


Kyko's Death Whisper Marks Glow Blue, then all of a sudden, an Entity Grabs Kyko's Bow and Aims true and Loads an Arrow with a Piece of Paper on it, Then he Shoots the Arrow, Nearly Hitting Ryu


OoC: A little note about Kyko's bow, She can shoot halfway across the City using the bow, but all it can do is Cripple in that Range, in about 10 Meters is where she can kill, the Hideout is i think 15 Meters away from the Factory

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Paper: I was under an Indstinct when i sensed something on the outside of the City, I took off and Saw the Humans, I tried to shoot 1 and missed, then I was Captured, I was able to damage their Car a lot, and Volf tried to rescue me before I Escaped, but i suspect they put something on me and Shot me with a Drug, i feel Horrible right now, I'm at an Abandoned Factory, asleep, and waiting


Kyko (Written by the Eternal Pain of Kyko)


then there was a Symbol on the Bottom of the Paper, which was a Triangle, with each point being red, Green, Or blue, Each Sygnifying 1 Thought that Kyko normally has

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  'NeatHat35 said:

Ryu "I don't. I think your... perfect."



Kyko(Sniffling): You do?


Kyko Hugs Ryu' date=' Crying, then lets go of him


Yata/Kyko: Mind that I help out?

[/quote'] Does that answer your question?



The humans car drives Ryu to the base where Kyko is. He drives his axe inyto the car's fueld supply, causing an explosion. He jumps off, transforms into his Normal Self, and runs into the base.

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OoC: Red = Remorseless Indstict, Blue = Eternal Pain, I'll show green later, each of the glows are Modeled after each of Kyko's Thoughts, and only Affect Kyko, If Kyko senses something Mysterious, her Death Whisper Marking glow red, when she is Knocked out, Her Marks glow Blue, the Symbol is a Tracker to show which thought seems true

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