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:.Bronze Hat.:™

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OOC: Yes but "Half" not full wolf. Plus I stated a couple posts back that my guy has had severe training.


still that makes it worse but i will be fare.



As Volf started to come up on the Hummer Freeman saw him


Capt.Freeman: look i have to go just be calm ok. i will be right back.

Freeman gets out of the car and faces Volf.

Capt.Freeman:Hello my name is Caption Freeman of the Enclave. what business do you have with me?

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As Freeman was walking back to the hummer Kyko galloped out.

Capt.Freeman: God.(sigh)

he walkes back to the Hummer to see the privet shocked. Freeman looks under the drivers seat and takes out a computer.

Capt.Freeman: Did you put that traker on her?

Privet Williams: yes sir

Capt.Freeman: did you inject the drug

Privet Williams: yes sir

Capt.Freeman: good get a pulse rifle out of the back where going to find them.

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