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:.Bronze Hat.:™

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[spoiler= Plot ] In the year 1,000,029 N.I., after the Mech Wars, mankind mutated itself on accident. The mutant DNA was small, but it increased over generation. About a hundred years layter, the mutant DNa occupied over a fourth of a human's DNA. This much aloowed them to make themselves half-breeds. Half-human, half-anything else. However, some used this power for evil, and became half-human half-dark. Now, the dark half-breeds have gone to war with the other half-breeds. The fate of the galaxy is resting on the outcome of this war. The outcome of this war will effect the future forever. (OoC: It really will. If I happen to make a sequal to this RP, the plot will depend on the outcome of this one.)


[spoiler= Form ]Name:

Age (Optional):

Bio (Optional):

Half-Breed Type (Half-Dark is the only "bad" half-breed):


Half-Breed Appearence:

Other Info (Optional):


[spoiler= Rules ] The only rules are the normal YCM rules. No godmodding, no spamming, etc.


[spoiler= Member Forms ] [spoiler= NeatHat35] Name: Ryu

Age: 16

Bio: A kind, sweet kid who is very protective of the people he cares about. To people who don't really know him, he seems kind of mysterious.

Half-Breed Type: Half-Reptile (might turn Half-Dark later in the RP)

Appearence: Rp.jpg

Half-Breed Appearence: lizardman.png


[spoiler= The Dark Prince ] Name: Nova

Age (Optional): 16

Bio (Optional):(post later)

Half-Breed Type (Half-Dark is the only "bad" half-breed): Half-Wolf


Half-Breed Appearence:

[spoiler= Ancient Gear ] Name: Volf

Age (Optional): 21

Bio (Optional): You can find out in the Rp

Half-Breed Type (Half-Dark is the only "bad" half-breed): Wolf


Spoiler (Click to View)


Half-Breed Appearence:

Spoiler (Click to View)


Other Info (Optional): Likes spears, and sticks. Basically anything that can poke. He falls for girls easily.

[spoiler= freeman43 ] Name: President Eden of the Enclave

Age (Optional): unknown

Bio (Optional): After the war humans started to mutate. Some said it was evolution other say it was nothing then there was the Enclave. A former government formed during the war.25 years after the war when the mutations started to take place the Enclave diapered.

75 years later a radio signal came up saying the Enclave will return.

Half-Breed Type (Half-Dark is the only "bad" half-breed):Pure Human

Appearence: an Enclave soldier


you will see these guys more then me.


[spoiler= Duelist King Ryan ] Name: Kyko Akruma(She would Rather be called Yata-Daruga)

Age: 45 (Actual Age: 998,012 Years)

Bio: in 2017, She had Caught a form of Death Whisper that made her age Very slowly, Even though her Disease progressed Normally (At the time she caught it, She was 3), The Rare Strain wasn't able to Spead Easily, At the age of 12, Her Disease somehow "Halted" but her Markings and Weapons were still there, and she was still aging slowly, at the time that there were Mutations happening, Some People thought that her Disease, Now a lot of people Blame her for the Mutations

Half-Breed Type: Half-Horse(Centaurish), She is Extremely easily Mistaken for a half-Dark Due to the fact that she is Black in her Half-Breed State, and has a Reputation for her Disease



Half-Breed Appearence:


Other Info: Carrier of a Halted Death Whisper, the what People say to be the Ancestor to the Mutations, She can Seduce Most men, Even in Her Half-breed(AKA Centaur) form


Is this okay? (The Original Death Whisper is way different than her Strain, She cannot Produce those Knives and she has no Psychic powers(Except her Slowed Aging), It, as i stated before, cannot be spread easily(This type Dies Immediately in Contact in Air or Water outside of its host, and it cannot be spread via Body Fluids)



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Ya but then people will think I just copied off of him. But what ever.


Name: Volf

Age (Optional): 21

Bio (Optional): You can find out in the Rp :D

Half-Breed Type (Half-Dark is the only "bad" half-breed): Wolf




Half-Breed Appearence:



Other Info (Optional): Likes spears, and sticks. Basically anything that can poke. He falls for girls easily.

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ok i have permission for this so



Name: President Eden of the Enclave

Age (Optional): unknown

Bio (Optional): After the war humans started to mutate. Some said it was evolution other say it was nothing then there was the Enclave. A former government formed during the war.25 years after the war when the mutations started to take place the Enclave diapered.

75 years later a radio signal came up saying the Enclave will return.

Half-Breed Type (Half-Dark is the only "bad" half-breed):Pure Human

Appearence: an Enclave soldier


you will see these guys more then me.



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Name: Kyko Akruma(She would Rather be called Yata-Daruga)

Age: 45 (Actual Age: 998,012 Years)

Bio: in 2017, She had Caught a form of Death Whisper that made her age Very slowly, Even though her Disease progressed Normally (At the time she caught it, She was 3), The Rare Strain wasn't able to Spead Easily, At the age of 12, Her Disease somehow "Halted" but her Markings and Weapons were still there, and she was still aging slowly, at the time that there were Mutations happening, Some People thought that her Disease, Now a lot of people Blame her for the Mutations

Half-Breed Type: Half-Horse(Centaurish), She is Extremely easily Mistaken for a half-Dark Due to the fact that she is Black in her Half-Breed State, and has a Reputation for her Disease



Half-Breed Appearence:


Other Info: Carrier of a Halted Death Whisper, the what People say to be the Ancestor to the Mutations, She can Seduce Most men, Even in Her Half-breed(AKA Centaur) form


Is this okay? (The Original Death Whisper is way different than her Strain, She cannot Produce those Knives and she has no Psychic powers(Except her Slowed Aging), It, as i stated before, cannot be spread easily(This type Dies Immediately in Contact in Air or Water outside of its host, and it cannot be spread via Body Fluids)

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