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Hand control


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Main Deck:

3x Thestalos the firestorm monarch

1x Raiza the wind monarch

1x Mobius the frost monarch

1x Cyber dragon

2x Mystic tomato

3x Don zaloog

1x Spirit reaper

1x Sangan

1x Treeborn frog

1x Exiled force

1x Legendary jujitsu master

1x D. D. warrior lady


1x Monster reborn

1x Brain control

2x Shrink

2x Reinforcement of the army

1x Fissure

1x Shmashing ground

2x cold wave

1x Mystical space typhoon

1x Heavy storm

2x Soul exchange

2x Soul taker

1x Enemy control


1x Torrential tribute

1x Phoenix WW Blast

2x Magic drain

2x Bottomles trap hole

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Its apparent that this a IRL deck with the 1 solemn and all. But this type of deck needs moar Field clearance.



- 1x Twin headed behemoth

- 1x Mystic swordsman Lv2

- 1x Wall of illusion

- 1x Elemental hero wildheart


+ Grand mole

+ Treeborn

+ 2x Ryko (if you can)/ 1x DD Warrior Lady and 1x Breaker


- Giant Trunade

- Offerings/ Tribute

- 1 Shrink


+ Lightning vortex

+2 Soul Taker (It comes common in Zombie structure.)


-1 Solemn (1 just isn't enough)

-1 Bottomless


+2 PWWB (Combo with Don to remove the problem.)

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